2019 Individual

                               Half Marathon

Place Bib Number  Name                         City                Division    Overall Time   Div Place     Div Total     Sex Place     Sex Total      KM pace      Mile pace
    1     971     Nickolas Kosmenko            Cranberry Portage    M2529        1:12:12          1             60            1            576           3:26          5:31
    2    1152     Les Friesen                  Steinbach            M3539        1:15:07          1             84            2            576           3:34          5:44
    3    1246     Kris Joy                     Selkirk              M3034        1:20:29          1             74            3            576           3:49          6:09
    4    1124     Yonatah Gebregiabher         Winnipeg             M4044        1:23:00          1             87            4            576           3:56          6:20
    5     425     David Tabbernor              Winnipeg             M2529        1:23:24          2             60            5            576           3:58          6:22
    6    1050     Jonas Eastcott               Toronto              M2529        1:23:39          3             60            6            576           3:58          6:23
    7     474     John Power                   Thunder BAy          M4044        1:24:00          2             87            7            576           3:59          6:25
    8    1098     Matthew Nelson               Winnipeg             M3034        1:24:48          2             74            8            576           4:02          6:29
    9     926     Jonas Pazer                  Schanzenfeld         M2024        1:25:34          1             24            9            576           4:04          6:32
   10     223     Edzelfen Guiao               WINNIPEG             M2529        1:25:46          4             60            10           576           4:04          6:33
   11     484     Andrew Pickerl               Winnipeg             M3034        1:25:54          3             74            11           576           4:05          6:34
   12     441     Michael Boszko               Headingley           M4044        1:26:11          3             87            12           576           4:06          6:35
   13     108     Jeff English                 Kleefeld             M3034        1:26:36          4             74            13           576           4:07          6:37
   14     559     Craig Armette                Winnipeg             M3539        1:26:51          2             84            14           576           4:07          6:38
   15     916     Luke Love                    Dauphin              M2529        1:27:23          5             60            15           576           4:09          6:40
   16     812     Deon Schoeman                Mb                   M2529        1:27:32          6             60            16           576           4:09          6:41
   17     884     Darrell Miousse              Springfield          M4549        1:27:36          1             75            17           576           4:10          6:41
   18     933     Kyle McCoy                   Winnipeg             M2024        1:27:46          2             24            18           576           4:10          6:42
   19     174     Eoghan O'Neil                Winnipeg             M3539        1:27:59          3             84            19           576           4:11          6:43
   20     677     Marc Fournier                Winnipeg             M5054        1:28:20          1             60            20           576           4:12          6:45
   21     632     Scott Watson                 WINNIPEG             M4044        1:28:22          4             87            21           576           4:12          6:45
   22     381     Robert Collen                Dauphin              M4549        1:28:57          2             75            22           576           4:13          6:48
   23    1037     Hyojin Lee                   Winnipeg             M3034        1:29:00          5             74            23           576           4:14          6:48
   24      4      Jared Spier                  Winnipeg             M4044        1:29:06          5             87            24           576           4:14          6:48
   25    1052     Adriano Augellone            Winnipeg             M2024        1:29:42          3             24            25           576           4:16          6:51
   26     481     Robynn Clark                 WINNIPEG             F4044        1:29:47          1             82            1            524           4:16          6:51
   27     901     Andrew Parkinson             WINNIPEG             M3539        1:30:07          4             84            26           576           4:17          6:53
   28     507     Christine McKinley           Winnipeg             F3034        1:30:08          1             76            2            524           4:17          6:53
   29     29      Robert Cox                   Winnipeg             M5559        1:30:24          1             49            27           576           4:18          6:54
   30    1009     Scott McKay                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:30:39          7             60            28           576           4:18          6:55
   31     369     Gary Donoghue                Winnipeg             M3034        1:30:48          6             74            29           576           4:19          6:56
   32     828     Adam Heuring                 Winnipeg             M3539        1:30:49          5             84            30           576           4:19          6:56
   33     852     Kevin Giesbrecht             Altona               M3034        1:30:56          7             74            31           576           4:19          6:57
   34     599     Gina Tranquada               Winnipeg             F3034        1:30:57          2             76            3            524           4:19          6:57
   35     87      Jeff Dilay                   REGINA               M3539        1:30:58          6             84            32           576           4:19          6:57
   36    1079     Colin Heier                  Mitchell             M2529        1:31:27          8             60            33           576           4:21          6:59
   37    1242     Trevor Wood                  Cross Lake           M3539        1:31:32          7             84            34           576           4:21          6:59
   38     365     Chris Hopiavuori             Winnipeg             M3539        1:31:33          8             84            35           576           4:21          6:59
   39     504     Christina Legay              Winnipeg             F2529        1:31:37          1             51            4            524           4:21          7:00
   40     213     Daryl Croft                  Morden               M3034        1:32:01          8             74            36           576           4:22          7:02
   41     155     Lindsey Green                Winnipeg             F3034        1:32:13          3             76            5            524           4:23          7:02
   42    1060     Bruce Young                  Winnipeg             M6064        1:32:26          1             34            37           576           4:23          7:03
   43     670     Thomas Coates                Winnipeg             M2529        1:32:28          9             60            38           576           4:23          7:04
   44     763     Jenna Ginsberg               Winnipeg             F3034        1:32:52          4             76            6            524           4:25          7:05
   45    1238     Preston Mandamin             WINNIPEG             M3539        1:32:57          9             84            39           576           4:25          7:06
   46    1040     Jose Neves                   Winnipeg             M2024        1:32:59          4             24            40           576           4:25          7:06
   47     654     Jesse Vanderveen             Sanford              M3539        1:33:08          10            84            41           576           4:25          7:07
   48     602     Ross Storm                   Winnipeg             M2024        1:33:12          5             24            42           576           4:26          7:07
   49     676     Heather McDonell             Winnipeg             F3539        1:33:36          1             88            7            524           4:27          7:09
   50     20      Alan Hopkins                 West St. Paul        M5559        1:33:39          2             49            43           576           4:27          7:09
   51     100     Brandy Adolphe               Winnipeg             F4044        1:33:44          2             82            8            524           4:27          7:09
   52    1209     Greg MacDonald               Winnipeg             M5054        1:34:19          2             60            44           576           4:29          7:12
   53     701     Matthew Tessier              Winnipeg             M3034        1:34:25          9             74            45           576           4:29          7:13
   54    1156     Braden Mooney                Winnipeg             M3034        1:34:42          10            74            46           576           4:30          7:14
   55     97      J. J. Ross                   Winnipeg             M4549        1:34:53          3             75            47           576           4:30          7:15
   56     319     Greg Wernham                 winnipeg             M3034        1:35:16          11            74            48           576           4:31          7:16
   57     113     Martial Hebert               wpg                  M6064        1:35:31          2             34            49           576           4:32          7:18
   58    1208     Matthew Andrushak            Brandon              M3034        1:35:42          12            74            50           576           4:33          7:18
   59     671     Joseph Hewett                Winnipeg             M3034        1:35:47          13            74            51           576           4:33          7:19
   60     258     Richard Alary                Winnipeg             M5054        1:35:47          3             60            52           576           4:33          7:19
   61    1143     Marc Cadieux                 Winnipeg             M3539        1:35:57          11            84            53           576           4:33          7:20
   62     134     Blaine McFarlane             Winnipeg             M4044        1:36:02          6             87            54           576           4:34          7:20
   63     518     Michael Angers               WINNIPEG             M4549        1:36:14          4             75            55           576           4:34          7:21
   64    1126     Shawn Reimer                 Winnipeg             M3539        1:36:40          12            84            56           576           4:35          7:23
   65     511     Josh Ruby                    Winnipeg             M3034        1:36:42          14            74            57           576           4:35          7:23
   66     303     David Guest                  Stonewall            M5054        1:36:46          4             60            58           576           4:36          7:23
   67     961     Dan Kell                     NAROL                M4044        1:37:00          7             87            59           576           4:36          7:24
   68     888     Rowland Hayward              Winnipeg             M3539        1:37:03          13            84            60           576           4:36          7:25
   69     215     Barry Penner                 Kleefeld             M4044        1:37:06          8             87            61           576           4:37          7:25
   70     273     David Thompson               winnipeg             M2529        1:37:19          10            60            62           576           4:37          7:26
   71     891     Sarah Kirby                  Winnipeg             F4549        1:37:22          1             60            9            524           4:37          7:26
   72     679     Michael Mi                   WINNIPEG             M5054        1:37:31          5             60            63           576           4:38          7:27
   73    1211     Cameron Sweetman             Brandon              M2529        1:37:33          11            60            64           576           4:38          7:27
   74     793     Fiona Garrioch               Brandon              F3539        1:37:44          2             88            10           524           4:38          7:28
   75     516     Mike Nichol                  Brandon              M3034        1:37:44          15            74            65           576           4:38          7:28
   76     243     Renata Doerksen              winnipeg             F2529        1:37:44          2             51            11           524           4:38          7:28
   77     482     Derek Rieu                   Winnipeg             M3539        1:37:55          14            84            66           576           4:39          7:29
   78     977     Brooke Richtik               Winnipeg             F2024        1:38:01          1             24            12           524           4:39          7:29
   79    1165     Rob Rachel                   Gimli                M4549        1:38:10          5             75            67           576           4:40          7:30
   80     268     Carlos Pittet                Holland              M1115        1:38:14          1             4             68           576           4:40          7:30
   81     984     Jeremy Dejong                Winnipeg             M3034        1:38:16          16            74            69           576           4:40          7:30
   82     112     Carly Martin                 Winnipeg             F3034        1:38:17          5             76            13           524           4:40          7:30
   83     785     Joao Luiz Holowka            Niverville           M4549        1:38:18          6             75            70           576           4:40          7:30
   84     21      Don Bevington                Winnipeg             M5054        1:38:21          6             60            71           576           4:40          7:31
   85     730     Nancy Goodall                WINNIPEG             F5054        1:38:22          1             59            14           524           4:40          7:31
   86    1228     Kyle Dech                    Winnipeg             M2024        1:38:49          6             24            72           576           4:41          7:33
   87     855     Jared Desrosiers             Winnipeg             M4044        1:38:50          9             87            73           576           4:42          7:33
   88     417     Sandor Bosnick               Winnipeg             M4044        1:38:57          10            87            74           576           4:42          7:33
   89     881     Michael Reimer               Winnipeg             M2024        1:38:58          7             24            75           576           4:42          7:33
   90     486     Jaydee-Lynn McDougall        Winnipeg             F2024        1:39:01          2             24            15           524           4:42          7:34
   91     999     Matt Franchuk                Winnipeg             M2529        1:39:05          12            60            76           576           4:42          7:34
   92     837     Erik Schrofel                Winnipeg             M1115        1:39:06          2             4             77           576           4:42          7:34
   93     821     Trevor Potapoff              Winnipeg             M4549        1:39:08          7             75            78           576           4:42          7:34
   94    1216     Michelle Truax               Ameliasburgh         F3034        1:39:14          6             76            16           524           4:43          7:35
   95     637     Robert Renaud                Winnipeg             M5054        1:39:21          7             60            79           576           4:43          7:35
   96    1233     Malick Sene                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:39:23          13            60            80           576           4:43          7:35
   97     909     Jesse McCullough             Winnipeg             M3034        1:39:28          17            74            81           576           4:43          7:36
   98     541     Cameron Krisko               Winnipeg             M2529        1:39:31          14            60            82           576           4:43          7:36
   99    1186     Waiyung Iu                   Winnipeg             M5054        1:39:32          8             60            83           576           4:44          7:36
  100     986     Obada Nanayakkara            Winnipeg             M3539        1:39:43          15            84            84           576           4:44          7:37
  101    1195     Thane Smith                  Winnipeg             M5559        1:39:47          3             49            85           576           4:44          7:37
  102     604     Steve Kachur                 Winnipeg             M3539        1:39:54          16            84            86           576           4:45          7:38
  103     312     Tyler Ledoux                 Ste. Agathe          M2529        1:39:56          15            60            87           576           4:45          7:38
  104     400     Travis Jensen                Headingley           M4549        1:40:00          8             75            88           576           4:45          7:38
  105    1018     Devin Keay                   Winnipeg             M3034        1:40:08          18            74            89           576           4:45          7:39
  106     593     Ron George                   Winnipeg             M5559        1:40:14          4             49            90           576           4:46          7:39
  107    1138     Ihor Barwinsky               Winnipeg             M5559        1:40:25          5             49            91           576           4:46          7:40
  108     337     Khalid Ahmad                 Winnipeg             M5559        1:40:28          6             49            92           576           4:46          7:40
  109     242     Andre Vanderstoep            Winnipeg             M2529        1:40:28          16            60            93           576           4:46          7:40
  110    1046     Anthony Densmore             Winnipeg             M3539        1:41:09          17            84            94           576           4:48          7:43
  111     426     Carlos Molina                Winnipeg             M3539        1:41:17          18            84            95           576           4:48          7:44
  112     168     Natalie Lovetri              Winnipeg             F3539        1:41:21          3             88            17           524           4:49          7:44
  113     693     Jaala Van Dongen             La Broquerie         F3539        1:41:21          4             88            18           524           4:49          7:44
  114     571     Eric Andrews                 Winnipeg             M3034        1:41:21          19            74            96           576           4:49          7:44
  115     825     Oleh Dehtiarov               Winnipeg             M1619        1:41:21          1             5             97           576           4:49          7:44
  116     824     Brenden Alm                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:41:33          17            60            98           576           4:49          7:45
  117     724     Chris Warrack                WINNIPEG             M3539        1:41:45          19            84            99           576           4:50          7:46
  118     709     Nadine Berzenji              Winnipeg             F3539        1:41:49          5             88            19           524           4:50          7:46
  119     974     Jeremy Rampton               Winnipeg             M3539        1:41:52          20            84           100           576           4:50          7:47
  120    1014     Marianela Lopez              WINNIPEG             F5054        1:41:54          2             59            20           524           4:50          7:47
  121     244     Daniel Doerksen              WINNIPEG             M2529        1:42:02          18            60           101           576           4:51          7:47
  122     170     Tim Magas                    Winnipeg             M5054        1:42:18          9             60           102           576           4:51          7:49
  123     779     Scott Dennis                 Winnipeg             M3034        1:42:18          20            74           103           576           4:51          7:49
  124      2      Jamie Blunden                Winnipeg             M5054        1:42:27          10            60           104           576           4:52          7:49
  125     409     Amanda Campbell              Winnipeg             F4044        1:42:30          3             82            21           524           4:52          7:50
  126     829     Phillip Pawluk               Winnipeg             M3539        1:42:38          21            84           105           576           4:52          7:50
  127     343     Cam Parliament               Winnipeg             M5054        1:42:44          11            60           106           576           4:53          7:51
  128     306     Patrick Lemoine              STE AGATHE           M4549        1:42:58          9             75           107           576           4:53          7:52
  129     356     Danielle Gaucher             Winnipeg             F3539        1:43:00          6             88            22           524           4:53          7:52
  130     761     Jack Waterman                Winnipeg             M5559        1:43:00          7             49           108           576           4:53          7:52
  131     464     Benjamin Gigolyk             Steinbach            M1115        1:43:01          3             4            109           576           4:53          7:52
  132     364     Isabelle Verhoye             Winnipeg             F3539        1:43:05          7             88            23           524           4:54          7:52
  133     766     Brendan McElhoes             Winnipeg             M3034        1:43:08          21            74           110           576           4:54          7:52
  134     382     Ava Thompson                 WINNIPEG             F3034        1:43:09          7             76            24           524           4:54          7:53
  135     61      Shelly Ens                   WINNIPEG             F4044        1:43:17          4             82            25           524           4:54          7:53
  136     948     Paul Benson                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:43:21          19            60           111           576           4:54          7:53
  137    1061     Andrew Johnson               Winnipeg             M3539        1:43:24          22            84           112           576           4:54          7:54
  138     152     Karly Tardiff                Winnipeg             F2529        1:43:35          3             51            26           524           4:55          7:54
  139     538     Glen Emmons                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:43:39          12            60           113           576           4:55          7:55
  140    1059     Amelio Fair                  Winnipeg             M1619        1:43:41          2             5            114           576           4:55          7:55
  141    1024     Derek Sims                   Winnipeg             M5054        1:43:41          13            60           115           576           4:55          7:55
  142     185     Thang Tien                   Winnipeg             M3539        1:43:46          23            84           116           576           4:56          7:55
  143    1241     Allen Pritchard              Niverville           M4044        1:43:50          11            87           117           576           4:56          7:56
  144     946     Josh Sheldon                 St Adolphe           M2529        1:43:54          20            60           118           576           4:56          7:56
  145     247     Dale Thacher                 Kenora               F6064        1:43:55          1             25            27           524           4:56          7:56
  146     979     Jonathan Ring                Winnipeg             M4044        1:43:57          12            87           119           576           4:56          7:56
  147     878     Melody Balane                Winnipeg             F4549        1:43:58          2             60            28           524           4:56          7:56
  148     931     Ray McCoy                    Winnipeg             M5054        1:43:59          14            60           120           576           4:56          7:56
  149     581     Jody Gillis                  Winnipeg             M4044        1:44:01          13            87           121           576           4:56          7:57
  150     127     Paul McLaren                 Winnipeg             F4044        1:44:03          5             82            29           524           4:56          7:57
  151     882     Rebecca Young                Winnipeg             F4044        1:44:12          6             82            30           524           4:57          7:57
  152     24      Adam Danylyshen              Winnipeg             M3034        1:44:14          22            74           122           576           4:57          7:57
  153     476     Rachel Pritchard             Niverville           F3539        1:44:16          8             88            31           524           4:57          7:58
  154    1121     Brandi Smith                 Winnipeg             F4044        1:44:23          7             82            32           524           4:57          7:58
  155     135     Foster Lyle                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:44:24          21            60           123           576           4:57          7:58
  156    1067     Mark Morrow                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:44:27          22            60           124           576           4:57          7:58
  157     36      Barjinder Kang               Winnipeg             M3539        1:44:27          24            84           125           576           4:57          7:58
  158     912     Alannah Collins              Winnipeg             F2529        1:44:31          4             51            33           524           4:58          7:59
  159    1161     Andrew Loughead              Winnipeg             M5559        1:44:40          8             49           126           576           4:58          7:59
  160     528     Chris Franz                  Winnipeg             M3539        1:44:40          25            84           127           576           4:58          7:59
  161    1239     Maria Victoria Jauregui      Winnipeg             F3539        1:44:41          9             88            34           524           4:58          8:00
  162     728     Cole Krisko                  Winnipeg             M2024        1:44:50          8             24           128           576           4:59          8:00
  163     727     Carson Krisko                Winnipeg             M2024        1:44:51          9             24           129           576           4:59          8:00
  164     91      Kyle Burkett                 Winnipeg             M3034        1:44:52          23            74           130           576           4:59          8:00
  165    1045     Jeremy Hiebert               WINNIPEG             M4044        1:44:53          14            87           131           576           4:59          8:00
  166     445     Jessica Clendenan            Winnipeg             F3034        1:44:55          8             76            35           524           4:59          8:01
  167     847     Thomas Elskamp               Sanford              M4549        1:45:16          10            75           132           576           5:00          8:02
  168    1068     Kimberly Buffie              Winnipeg             F3539        1:45:25          10            88            36           524           5:00          8:03
  169     519     William Trossel              Winnipeg             M4044        1:45:28          15            87           133           576           5:00          8:03
  170     967     Maurice Mierau               Winnipeg             M5559        1:45:28          9             49           134           576           5:00          8:03
  171     130     Cat Brown                    WINNIPEG             F3539        1:45:36          11            88            37           524           5:01          8:04
  172     286     Phillip Chung                Winnipeg             M2529        1:45:40          23            60           135           576           5:01          8:04
  173     817     Troy Haugen                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:45:53          15            60           136           576           5:02          8:05
  174     197     Kathleen Caithness           Winnipeg             F5054        1:46:02          3             59            38           524           5:02          8:06
  175     640     Paul Sawchuk                 Winnipeg             M5054        1:46:06          16            60           137           576           5:02          8:06
  176     697     David Reimer                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:46:12          11            75           138           576           5:02          8:06
  177    1164     Vern Strutinsky              East St Paul         M3539        1:46:20          26            84           139           576           5:03          8:07
  178     148     Paquito Brucal               Winnipeg             M5559        1:46:22          10            49           140           576           5:03          8:07
  179     396     Sergio Fanella               WINNIPEG             M4044        1:46:22          16            87           141           576           5:03          8:07
  180     329     Mingdi Zhao                  Winnipeg             F5054        1:46:24          4             59            39           524           5:03          8:07
  181     747     Thomas Hiebert               Winnipeg             M3034        1:46:31          24            74           142           576           5:03          8:08
  182    1127     Glenn Oleksuk                Winnipeg             M5054        1:46:31          17            60           143           576           5:03          8:08
  183     784     Nicolas Messner              STE. ANNE            M2529        1:46:44          24            60           144           576           5:04          8:09
  184     683     Heide Brodland               Winnipeg             F2529        1:46:46          5             51            40           524           5:04          8:09
  185     896     Timothy Sandron              Winnipeg             M2529        1:46:48          25            60           145           576           5:04          8:09
  186     80      Caitlin Pitzel               Winnipg              F2529        1:46:50          6             51            41           524           5:04          8:09
  187    1141     Werner Martens               Winnipeg             M4044        1:46:55          17            87           146           576           5:04          8:10
  188     973     Benjamin Grisdale            Winnipeg             M2529        1:46:57          26            60           147           576           5:05          8:10
  189     98      Blair Clayton                Winniepg             M3034        1:47:03          25            74           148           576           5:05          8:10
  190     717     Jean Boulet                  Winnipeg             F5054        1:47:07          5             59            42           524           5:05          8:11
  191    1044     Mark MacKeen                 Winnipeg             M4044        1:47:08          18            87           149           576           5:05          8:11
  192     710     Sharilyn Daher               Winnipeg             F4044        1:47:08          8             82            43           524           5:05          8:11
  193    1026     Gary Gobeil                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:47:14          18            60           150           576           5:05          8:11
  194     220     Andrew Swan                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:47:16          19            60           151           576           5:05          8:11
  195     775     Andrew Pullen                Winnipeg             M3034        1:47:18          26            74           152           576           5:06          8:11
  196    1003     Jaymi Derrett                Winnipeg             F5559        1:47:20          1             38            44           524           5:06          8:12
  197     659     Emily Parisien               Winnipeg             F2024        1:47:21          3             24            45           524           5:06          8:12
  198    1235     Basem Shaker                 Winnipeg             M2529        1:47:27          27            60           153           576           5:06          8:12
  199     749     Brendan Potter               STONEWALL            M4044        1:47:27          19            87           154           576           5:06          8:12
  200     509     Kevin McCorrister            Winnipeg             M4044        1:47:27          20            87           155           576           5:06          8:12
  201     976     Jordan Goetting              Winnipeg             M4044        1:47:36          21            87           156           576           5:06          8:13
  202     934     Johnny Bestland              Sanford              M4549        1:47:46          12            75           157           576           5:07          8:14
  203    1232     Heather Stoesz               WINNIPEG             F3539        1:47:56          12            88            46           524           5:07          8:14
  204     340     Yan Lau                      Winnipeg             M5054        1:47:57          20            60           158           576           5:07          8:14
  205     262     John Lyons                   Winnipeg             M5054        1:47:58          21            60           159           576           5:07          8:15
  206     154     Michael Raabe                Winnipeg             M6064        1:47:59          3             34           160           576           5:08          8:15
  207     617     Trevor MacHutchon            Winnipeg             M2529        1:48:00          28            60           161           576           5:08          8:15
  208    1082     Justin Kusyk                 WINNIPEG             M3034        1:48:02          27            74           162           576           5:08          8:15
  209    1122     Brad Seigmiller              Winnipeg             M4549        1:48:04          13            75           163           576           5:08          8:15
  210     925     Kenton McCorquodale-Bauer    Headingley           M2024        1:48:05          10            24           164           576           5:08          8:15
  211     913     Justin Danielson             Winnipeg             M3539        1:48:09          27            84           165           576           5:08          8:15
  212    1025     Jefferson Cortez             Winnipeg             M3539        1:48:14          28            84           166           576           5:08          8:16
  213     915     Lindsey Leipsic              Winnipeg             F3034        1:48:14          9             76            47           524           5:08          8:16
  214     81      Cheryl Kunec                 Winnipeg             F4549        1:48:15          3             60            48           524           5:08          8:16
  215     638     James Butler                 Winnipeg             M5054        1:48:17          22            60           167           576           5:08          8:16
  216     577     Charlene Chiborak            Niverville           F4044        1:48:25          9             82            49           524           5:09          8:17
  217     762     Cari Miller                  Winnipeg             F4044        1:48:28          10            82            50           524           5:09          8:17
  218     778     Tyler Machutchon             winnipeg             M3034        1:48:30          28            74           168           576           5:09          8:17
  219     656     Paige Hastings               Winnipeg             F3539        1:48:34          13            88            51           524           5:09          8:17
  220    1193     John Chihonik                Winnipeg             M3539        1:48:38          29            84           169           576           5:09          8:18
  221     352     Marnie Margolis              Winnipeg             F4549        1:48:38          4             60            52           524           5:09          8:18
  222    1049     Caitlyn Hollywood            wpg                  F1115        1:48:40          1             2             53           524           5:09          8:18
  223     330     Bo Huang                     Winnipeg             M5054        1:48:45          23            60           170           576           5:10          8:18
  224    1087     Bruce Waterman               Winnipeg             M5559        1:48:53          11            49           171           576           5:10          8:19
  225     292     Callum Beattie               Winnipeg             M4549        1:48:54          14            75           172           576           5:10          8:19
  226     879     Twyla Eberharter             Winnipeg             F4044        1:48:54          11            82            54           524           5:10          8:19
  227     552     Marc Baldwin                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:48:55          15            75           173           576           5:10          8:19
  228    1080     Marv Goossen                 Brandon              M6064        1:48:56          4             34           174           576           5:10          8:19
  229    1041     Graham Schellenberg          Winnipeg             M3034        1:48:59          29            74           175           576           5:10          8:19
  230     93      Andrew Edwards               Lockport             M4549        1:49:02          16            75           176           576           5:11          8:19
  231     686     Janie Parson                 La Salle             F4549        1:49:08          5             60            55           524           5:11          8:20
  232     590     Karen Beck                   winnipeg             F5559        1:49:09          2             38            56           524           5:11          8:20
  233     993     Parminder Dhillon            Winnipeg             M4549        1:49:13          17            75           177           576           5:11          8:20
  234     22      Erika Brown                  Winnipeg             F2529        1:49:15          7             51            57           524           5:11          8:20
  235    1043     Krystal Kemp                 Winnipeg             F4549        1:49:18          6             60            58           524           5:11          8:21
  236    1021     Laura Toews                  Winnipeg             F4549        1:49:19          7             60            59           524           5:11          8:21
  237    1158     Charles Buenafe              Winnipeg             M2024        1:49:21          11            24           178           576           5:11          8:21
  238     136     Mate Fazekas                 Winnipeg             M2529        1:49:24          29            60           179           576           5:12          8:21
  239    1048     Brett Smith                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:49:25          30            60           180           576           5:12          8:21
  240    1212     Jordan Waldner               ste agathe           M3034        1:49:28          30            74           181           576           5:12          8:21
  241     410     Diane Wing                   portage la prairi    F4044        1:49:39          12            82            60           524           5:12          8:22
  242     234     Teresa Danyluk               WINNIPEG             F3034        1:49:42          10            76            61           524           5:12          8:22
  243    1114     Orlando Buduhan Jr           Oak Bluff            M4044        1:49:42          22            87           182           576           5:12          8:22
  244     844     Oliver Valencia              Winnipeg             M3539        1:49:44          30            84           183           576           5:12          8:23
  245     938     Janelle Pariseau             Winnipeg             F3539        1:49:46          14            88            62           524           5:13          8:23
  246    1062     Karlei Neufeld               Bismarck             F2529        1:49:46          8             51            63           524           5:13          8:23
  247     351     Sheila Vick                  Winnipeg             F3539        1:49:49          15            88            64           524           5:13          8:23
  248    1227     Shawn Pflueger               Winnipeg             M3034        1:49:50          31            74           184           576           5:13          8:23
  249     62      Darcy Grosney                Winnipeg             F4044        1:49:52          13            82            65           524           5:13          8:23
  250     647     Michael Brown                Winnipeg             M3539        1:49:54          31            84           185           576           5:13          8:23
  251     595     Zane McCuen                  WINNIPEG             M2529        1:49:57          31            60           186           576           5:13          8:24
  252    1196     Rebecca Sturgess             Winnipeg             F3539        1:50:00          16            88            66           524           5:13          8:24
  253     853     Wendy Dyck                   ALTONA               F4044        1:50:21          14            82            67           524           5:14          8:25
  254    1051     Ian Brown                    Winnipeg             M3539        1:50:22          32            84           187           576           5:14          8:26
  255     555     Matthias Goebel              BRANDON              M5054        1:50:37          24            60           188           576           5:15          8:27
  256     450     Grant Boissonneault          Winnipeg             M4044        1:50:44          23            87           189           576           5:15          8:27
  257     498     Kaylee Wilson                Winnipeg             F2024        1:50:49          4             24            68           524           5:16          8:28
  258     757     Dan Misko                    Winnipeg             M4044        1:50:49          24            87           190           576           5:16          8:28
  259     576     Jayson Wollman               Brandon                           1:50:52                                                                 5:16          8:28
  260     854     Scott Penner                 ALTONA               M4549        1:50:59          18            75           191           576           5:16          8:28
  261     744     Erin Proctor                 Winnipeg             F3539        1:51:01          17            88            69           524           5:16          8:29
  262     841     Hope Mallett                 Winnipeg             F5054        1:51:11          6             59            70           524           5:17          8:29
  263     56      Colleen Legary               DUGALD               F5054        1:51:13          7             59            71           524           5:17          8:29
  264     63      Christy Weitzel              Anola                F4044        1:51:16          15            82            72           524           5:17          8:30
  265    1148     Austin Coughlin              Winnipeg             M2024        1:51:16          12            24           192           576           5:17          8:30
  266     510     Garret Ritsema               Winnipeg             M3034        1:51:17          32            74           193           576           5:17          8:30
  267     281     Ashley Marko                 Winnipeg             F3034        1:51:17          11            76            73           524           5:17          8:30
  268     771     Jordan Gerry                 New York             M2024        1:51:17          13            24           194           576           5:17          8:30
  269     128     Joanna Webb                                       F3539        1:51:19          18            88            74           524           5:17          8:30
  270     583     Paul Morissette              Virden               M4044        1:51:19          25            87           195           576           5:17          8:30
  271    1207     Claire Holowachuk            Oakbank              F1115        1:51:20          2             2             75           524           5:17          8:30
  272     46      Bryan Ezako                  Cartier              M4549        1:51:30          19            75           196           576           5:18          8:31
  273     121     Diane Shindleman             Winnpeg              F5054        1:51:32          8             59            76           524           5:18          8:31
  274     733     Katelyn Heide                Winnipeg             F2529        1:51:45          9             51            77           524           5:18          8:32
  275    1163     Riley Court                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:51:46          32            60           197           576           5:18          8:32
  276     183     Stephanie Slobodian          Winnipeg             F3034        1:52:03          12            76            78           524           5:19          8:33
  277    1119     Travis Veilleux              Winnipeg             M3539        1:52:13          33            84           198           576           5:20          8:34
  278    1101     Collin Martin                Winnipeg             M3539        1:52:17          34            84           199           576           5:20          8:34
  279     236     Michelle Globush             Winnipeg             F3034        1:52:33          13            76            79           524           5:21          8:35
  280     922     Matthew McCorquodale-Bauer   Headingley           M2024        1:52:37          14            24           200           576           5:21          8:36
  281    1243     James Apetagon               Norway House         M4044        1:52:38          26            87           201           576           5:21          8:36
  282     437     Alexander Persowich          Winnipeg             M3034        1:52:41          33            74           202           576           5:21          8:36
  283     263     Kyle Erhart                  Morris               M3034        1:52:43          34            74           203           576           5:21          8:36
  284     383     Kelly Medwick                Winnipeg             F4044        1:52:46          16            82            80           524           5:21          8:37
  285     455     Stuart Fletcher-Cook         Winnipeg             M2529        1:52:47          33            60           204           576           5:21          8:37
  286     618     Clayton Braun                Morden               M4549        1:52:52          20            75           205           576           5:21          8:37
  287     592     Todd Friesen                 Winnipeg             M4044        1:52:53          27            87           206           576           5:21          8:37
  288     788     Joel Brandt                  Niverville           M3034        1:52:55          35            74           207           576           5:22          8:37
  289     179     Eduardo Schor                Winnipeg             M6064        1:52:56          5             34           208           576           5:22          8:37
  290     989     Tamirat Mekonnen             Winnipeg             M5054        1:52:59          25            60           209           576           5:22          8:38
  291     156     Jumir Encarnacion            WINNIPEG             M4549        1:53:02          21            75           210           576           5:22          8:38
  292     705     Dwight Suderman              Winkler              M6064        1:53:09          6             34           211           576           5:22          8:38
  293     661     Paul Newman                  Winnipeg             M4044        1:53:11          28            87           212           576           5:22          8:38
  294     748     Bryan Bonin                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:53:13          26            60           213           576           5:22          8:39
  295     193     Robyn Beaulieu               Winnipeg             F4549        1:53:14          8             60            81           524           5:22          8:39
  296     404     Kimberly Enns                Winnipeg             F4044        1:53:27          17            82            82           524           5:23          8:40
  297    1057     Luke Penner                  La Broquerie         M3539        1:53:33          35            84           214           576           5:23          8:40
  298     820     Danielle Troisfontaines      Winnipeg             F2529        1:53:34          10            51            83           524           5:23          8:40
  299     919     Judy Otto                    Beausejour           F5559        1:53:38          3             38            84           524           5:24          8:41
  300     279     Rina Romeo                   Winnipeg             F3539        1:53:39          19            88            85           524           5:24          8:41
  301    1073     Catherine Wach               Winnipeg             F3539        1:53:40          20            88            86           524           5:24          8:41
  302     491     Gilles Pinette               Winnipeg             M4549        1:53:42          22            75           215           576           5:24          8:41
  303     942     Christy Nicolajsen           Graysville           F4044        1:53:46          18            82            87           524           5:24          8:41
  304    1203     Megan Cromarty               Norway House FN      F2529        1:53:56          11            51            88           524           5:24          8:42
  305     198     Melvin Yumang                Winnipeg             M3539        1:53:58          36            84           216           576           5:25          8:42
  306     138     Kevin Chaves                 Winnipeg             M3539        1:54:01          37            84           217           576           5:25          8:42
  307     636     Karen Thomas                 Opaskwayak           F5054        1:54:02          9             59            89           524           5:25          8:42
  308     994     Alexandre Borger             Winnipeg             M3034        1:54:02          36            74           218           576           5:25          8:42
  309    1019     Vladyslav Angel              Winnipeg             M2024        1:54:04          15            24           219           576           5:25          8:42
  310     503     Scott Priebe                 Dryden               M5054        1:54:08          27            60           220           576           5:25          8:43
  311     536     Timo Gosselin                Notre Dame           M3034        1:54:09          37            74           221           576           5:25          8:43
  312    1213     Thaner Chartrand             Winnipeg             M5054        1:54:09          28            60           222           576           5:25          8:43
  313     594     Christina Tarrant            Winnipeg             F3539        1:54:13          21            88            90           524           5:25          8:43
  314     630     Jane Quinton                 Winnipeg             F5054        1:54:13          10            59            91           524           5:25          8:43
  315    1230     Justin Passey                Winnipeg             M2024        1:54:17          16            24           223           576           5:25          8:43
  316     585     Corey Charman                Winnipeg             M4044        1:54:21          29            87           224           576           5:26          8:44
  317     689     Rachael Penner               WINNIPEG             F4044        1:54:26          19            82            92           524           5:26          8:44
  318     722     Dan Heaford                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:54:27          34            60           225           576           5:26          8:44
  319     300     Karrie Zonneveld             Ste. Agathe          F3034        1:54:34          14            76            93           524           5:26          8:45
  320     605     Eric Dahle                   Winnipeg             M4044        1:54:35          30            87           226           576           5:26          8:45
  321     615     Tim Laurin                   Winnipeg             M3034        1:54:37          38            74           227           576           5:26          8:45
  322     298     James Peters                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:54:48          23            75           228           576           5:27          8:46
  323     662     Patti Couckuyt               Brandon              F4044        1:54:52          20            82            94           524           5:27          8:46
  324     684     Ellen Gorter                 Beausejour           F3034        1:54:56          15            76            95           524           5:27          8:46
  325    1222     David Fehr                   St. Adolphe          M4044        1:54:56          31            87           229           576           5:27          8:46
  326     796     Ryan Castillo                Niverville           M4044        1:54:58          32            87           230           576           5:27          8:47
  327     729     Seij Tsuchi                  Winnipeg             M4044        1:55:00          33            87           231           576           5:27          8:47
  328     212     Trevor Nadeau                Winnipeg             M4044        1:55:08          34            87           232           576           5:28          8:47
  329     867     Curtis Mykietowich           Winnipeg             M3034        1:55:09          39            74           233           576           5:28          8:47
  330     601     Lynn Blostein                Winnipeg             F3034        1:55:09          16            76            96           524           5:28          8:47
  331     109     Helene Giraud                Winnipeg             F3034        1:55:11          17            76            97           524           5:28          8:48
  332     787     Chris Hueser                 Morden               M3034        1:55:14          40            74           234           576           5:28          8:48
  333    1027     Heriberto Ayala              Mitchell             M3539        1:55:14          38            84           235           576           5:28          8:48
  334     485     Sherry Seymour               WINNIPEG             F3539        1:55:14          22            88            98           524           5:28          8:48
  335     315     Jordyn Warren                Sanford              F2024        1:55:25          5             24            99           524           5:29          8:49
  336     227     Meagan Deviaene              Winnipeg             F2529        1:55:29          12            51           100           524           5:29          8:49
  337     326     Walter Yuen                  Winnipeg             M5054        1:55:32          29            60           236           576           5:29          8:49
  338     297     Lynne Clark                  Winnipeg             F4549        1:55:34          9             60           101           524           5:29          8:49
  339    1091     Matthew Yanchuk              Winnipeg             M4549        1:55:35          24            75           237           576           5:29          8:49
  340     68      Kelvin Rehal                 Winnipeg             M4044        1:55:38          35            87           238           576           5:29          8:50
  341     277     Kevin Boreskie               Winnipeg             M2529        1:55:40          35            60           239           576           5:29          8:50
  342     823     Janet Kastellanos            Winnipeg             F6064        1:55:41          2             25           102           524           5:29          8:50
  343    1142     Holly Goossen                Winnipeg             F2529        1:55:42          13            51           103           524           5:29          8:50
  344     110     Barb Heiliger                Winnipeg             F6064        1:55:45          3             25           104           524           5:30          8:50
  345    1128     Andrea Thornton              Winnipeg             F4549        1:55:52          10            60           105           524           5:30          8:51
  346     616     Samantha Erichsen            WINNIPEG             F3034        1:55:54          18            76           106           524           5:30          8:51
  347     620     Shawn Wickens                Winnipeg             M2529        1:55:58          36            60           240           576           5:30          8:51
  348     582     Ayn Wilcox                   Winnipeg             F4549        1:55:59          11            60           107           524           5:30          8:51
  349     945     Erid Mendoza                 Winnipeg             M4044        1:56:04          36            87           241           576           5:31          8:52
  350     318     Jim Wernham                  winnipeg             M5559        1:56:05          12            49           242           576           5:31          8:52
  351     755     Averi Van Dam                Winnipeg             F3034        1:56:07          19            76           108           524           5:31          8:52
  352    1028     Ruben Levi                   Winnipeg             M5054        1:56:08          30            60           243           576           5:31          8:52
  353    1104     Dorothy Maingi               Winnipeg             F4044        1:56:17          21            82           109           524           5:31          8:53
  354     288     Julio Silvestri              Winnipeg             M4044        1:56:20          37            87           244           576           5:31          8:53
  355     865     Trish Hunter                 Winnipeg             F4549        1:56:20          12            60           110           524           5:31          8:53
  356     781     Sarah Rigby                  Winnipeg             F2529        1:56:21          14            51           111           524           5:31          8:53
  357     970     Gillian Sadler               Winnipeg             F4549        1:56:24          13            60           112           524           5:31          8:53
  358     71      Gord Ewald                   Ear Falls            M4549        1:56:27          25            75           245           576           5:32          8:53
  359     711     Doug Daher                   Winnipeg             M5054        1:56:30          31            60           246           576           5:32          8:54
  360    1084     Brad Micholson               Winnipeg             M3539        1:56:31          39            84           247           576           5:32          8:54
  361    1250     Bert Oman Jr.                Winnipeg             M3539        1:56:31          40            84           248           576           5:32          8:54
  362     573     Emilee Moore                 Winnipeg             F2024        1:56:31          6             24           113           524           5:32          8:54
  363     10      Steve Wetton                 Winnipeg             M3034        1:56:31          41            74           249           576           5:32          8:54
  364     84      Mark Van Schepdael           Winnipeg             M5559        1:56:36          13            49           250           576           5:32          8:54
  365     567     Michael Szwaluk              Winnipeg             M5054        1:56:38          32            60           251           576           5:32          8:54
  366    1029     Blair Dalgliesh              Winnipeg             M4044        1:56:42          38            87           252           576           5:32          8:55
  367     186     John McTavish                Winnipeg             M5559        1:56:47          14            49           253           576           5:33          8:55
  368     250     Mackenzie Hansen             Keewatin             F2024        1:56:47          7             24           114           524           5:33          8:55
  369     992     Thomas Benson                Winnipeg             M3539        1:56:48          41            84           254           576           5:33          8:55
  370     690     Jason McElhoes               Winnipeg             F3539        1:56:53          23            88           115           524           5:33          8:55
  371     794     Caslyn Bonnefoy              WINNIPEG             F4549        1:56:54          14            60           116           524           5:33          8:55
  372     735     Jacob Chartrand              Winnipeg             M2529        1:56:58          37            60           255           576           5:33          8:56
  373     418     Sarah Lund                   Winnipeg             F3034        1:56:58          20            76           117           524           5:33          8:56
  374     159     Will Chambers                Winnipeg             M2529        1:57:01          38            60           256           576           5:33          8:56
  375    1168     Howie Gilmore                Winnipeg             M5559        1:57:05          15            49           257           576           5:33          8:56
  376     376     Sara Morrison                wpg                  F3539        1:57:06          24            88           118           524           5:33          8:56
  377    1088     Vyacheslav Havrylenko        Winnipeg             M3539        1:57:06          42            84           258           576           5:33          8:56
  378     90      Trevor Greaves               Winnipeg             M4549        1:57:06          26            75           259           576           5:33          8:56
  379     667     Catherine McElhoes           Winnipeg             F3034        1:57:10          21            76           119           524           5:34          8:57
  380     145     Elizabeth Whitaker-Jacques   Winnipeg             F4044        1:57:11          22            82           120           524           5:34          8:57
  381     731     Ethan Apostle                Starbuck             M2529        1:57:11          39            60           260           576           5:34          8:57
  382     237     Justin Taplin                Stonewall            M3034        1:57:13          42            74           261           576           5:34          8:57
  383     217     Trevor Dunsford              Winnipeg             M4549        1:57:15          27            75           262           576           5:34          8:57
  384     983     Kabeir Dilawri               Winnipeg             M3034        1:57:20          43            74           263           576           5:34          8:57
  385    1226     Kelly Neufeld                Winnipeg             F3034        1:57:21          22            76           121           524           5:34          8:57
  386     965     Jennifer Kamins              Steinbach            F3539        1:57:23          25            88           122           524           5:34          8:58
  387     819     Spencer Elliot               Winnipeg             M3034        1:57:26          44            74           264           576           5:34          8:58
  388     692     Patrick Oliver               Winnipeg             M4044        1:57:39          39            87           265           576           5:35          8:59
  389     580     Gil Grenier                  Winnipeg             M4549        1:57:41          28            75           266           576           5:35          8:59
  390     653     Julie Simpson                WINNIPEG             F3539        1:57:42          26            88           123           524           5:35          8:59
  391     88      Peter MacKenzie              Winnipeg             M5559        1:57:42          16            49           267           576           5:35          8:59
  392     890     Robert Kirchmann             Winnipeg             M5559        1:57:44          17            49           268           576           5:35          8:59
  393     895     Garth Norberg                Winnipeg             M5559        1:57:46          18            49           269           576           5:35          8:59
  394     953     Lauren Norberg               Winnipeg             F2529        1:57:47          15            51           124           524           5:35          8:59
  395    1184     Rebecca McLachlan            Winnipeg             F2529        1:57:53          16            51           125           524           5:36          9:00
  396     462     Troy Warkentin               STEINBACH            M5054        1:57:56          33            60           270           576           5:36          9:00
  397     460     Tamara Cheshire              Winnipeg             F3034        1:57:56          23            76           126           524           5:36          9:00
  398     864     Vicky Wilson                 Winnipeg             F3539        1:58:02          27            88           127           524           5:36          9:01
  399     940     William Dymond               winnipeg             M4044        1:58:05          40            87           271           576           5:36          9:01
  400     950     Tosin Ajobo                  Winnipeg             M3034        1:58:13          45            74           272           576           5:37          9:01
  401     597     Brigitte Kiazyk-Mykytyn      Lorette West         F4549        1:58:16          15            60           128           524           5:37          9:02
  402    1069     Jennifer McKinnon            BRANDON              F3034        1:58:16          24            76           129           524           5:37          9:02
  403     438     Adam Hanson                  Winnipeg             M3539        1:58:16          43            84           273           576           5:37          9:02
  404     872     Bryce Jones                  Winnipeg             M2529        1:58:20          40            60           274           576           5:37          9:02
  405    1113     Dennis Petaski               Selkirk              M6064        1:58:22          7             34           275           576           5:37          9:02
  406     885     Joanne Keeping               winnpeg              F5559        1:58:24          4             38           130           524           5:37          9:02
  407     180     Darcy Woodhall               Winnipeg             M3539        1:58:25          44            84           276           576           5:37          9:02
  408     962     Anita Miller                 Winnipeg             F5559        1:58:26          5             38           131           524           5:37          9:02
  409     126     Jason Oltrop                 Winnipeg             M4044        1:58:28          41            87           277           576           5:37          9:03
  410    1066     Allie Hassin                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:58:31          29            75           278           576           5:37          9:03
  411     874     Ronald Yeomans               Regina               M5559        1:58:38          19            49           279           576           5:38          9:03
  412    1129     Myron Groening               winnipeg             M4549        1:58:40          30            75           280           576           5:38          9:04
  413    1013     Karen Arseniuk               Winnipeg             F3539        1:58:43          28            88           132           524           5:38          9:04
  414     957     Lyndon Daquigan              Winnipeg             M5054        1:58:46          34            60           281           576           5:38          9:04
  415     798     Sabrina Day                  Niverville           F3539        1:58:48          29            88           133           524           5:38          9:04
  416     457     Laurie Diamond               Winnipeg             F2529        1:58:48          17            51           134           524           5:38          9:04
  417     718     Trevor Gebel                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:58:48          31            75           282           576           5:38          9:04
  418     613     Lia Cerasani                 Winnipeg             F3034        1:58:52          25            76           135           524           5:38          9:04
  419     525     Alicia Guilleminot           Ile des Chenes                    1:58:52                                                                 5:38          9:04
  420     886     Chelsea Hynes                Winnipeg             F2529        1:58:55          18            51           136           524           5:39          9:05
  421     240     Kevin Fruck                  Winnipeg             M4549        1:58:59          32            75           283           576           5:39          9:05
  422     47      Scott Thomson                Winnipeg             M6064        1:59:00          8             34           284           576           5:39          9:05
  423     82      Raul Paragas                 Winnipeg             M5559        1:59:03          20            49           285           576           5:39          9:05
  424    1135     Nathan MacAulay              WINNIPEG             M2024        1:59:03          17            24           286           576           5:39          9:05
  425     988     Gweneth Sutton               Winnipeg             F6569        1:59:10          1             9            137           524           5:39          9:06
  426     207     Sonia Marrone                Winnipeg             F4044        1:59:12          23            82           138           524           5:39          9:06
  427    1237     Harold Wallbridge            Winnipeg             M6064        1:59:14          9             34           287           576           5:40          9:06
  428     501     Alain Ouimet                 STE AGATHE           M4044        1:59:19          42            87           288           576           5:40          9:06
  429     480     Rupert Robinson              WINNIPEG             M4549        1:59:22          33            75           289           576           5:40          9:07
  430     578     Penny Lesage                 Ste-Anne             F4044        1:59:24          24            82           139           524           5:40          9:07
  431     499     Lucile Griffiths             WINNIPEG             F4044        1:59:25          25            82           140           524           5:40          9:07
  432    1130     Bryan Foltz                  winnipeg             M4044        1:59:26          43            87           290           576           5:40          9:07
  433     822     Curtis Reimer                Blumenort            M5054        1:59:28          35            60           291           576           5:40          9:07
  434     523     Carl Granke                  Winnipeg             M3034        1:59:29          46            74           292           576           5:40          9:07
  435     831     Brendan Friesen              Winnipeg             M3539        1:59:31          45            84           293           576           5:40          9:07
  436     203     Christian Beaudry            Winnipeg             M4549        1:59:32          34            75           294           576           5:40          9:07
  437     990     Rob Grantham                 Oakbank              M5054        1:59:33          36            60           295           576           5:40          9:08
  438     857     Paige Procter                Grosse Isle          F2529        1:59:38          19            51           141           524           5:41          9:08
  439     472     Marie Roberts                Winnipeg             F4549        1:59:39          16            60           142           524           5:41          9:08
  440     444     Boyan Zigich                 Winnipeg             M5054        1:59:45          37            60           296           576           5:41          9:08
  441     325     Henry Marie                  Winnipeg             M7074        1:59:58          1             7            297           576           5:42          9:09
  442     773     Scott Meakin                 Winnipeg             M4549        1:59:58          35            75           298           576           5:42          9:09
  443     17      George Barnes                WINNIPEG             M5559        2:00:02          21            49           299           576           5:42          9:10
  444     905     Daniel Moscovitch            Winnipeg             M3034        2:00:09          47            74           300           576           5:42          9:10
  445     780     Karine Doiron                Winnipeg             F3539        2:00:10          30            88           143           524           5:42          9:10
  446     448     Chantel Crowley              Winnipeg             F2529        2:00:15          20            51           144           524           5:42          9:11
  447     751     Scott Nachtigall             Winnipeg             M4549        2:00:16          36            75           301           576           5:42          9:11
  448     323     Karen Lucas                  Winnipeg             F5054        2:00:16          11            59           145           524           5:42          9:11
  449     851     Daniel Lichtensztejn         Winnipeg             M5559        2:00:17          22            49           302           576           5:43          9:11
  450     59      Michelle Horkoff             WPG                  F4044        2:00:19          26            82           146           524           5:43          9:11
  451    1075     Beckie Verwey                Portage              F3539        2:00:21          31            88           147           524           5:43          9:11
  452    1002     Harold Brown                 Winnipeg             M5054        2:00:22          38            60           303           576           5:43          9:11
  453     742     Cecilia Turner               Stonewall            F4044        2:00:28          27            82           148           524           5:43          9:12
  454     889     Mike Zaporzan                WINNIPEG             M5054        2:00:28          39            60           304           576           5:43          9:12
  455     927     Adolf Neufeld                WINNIPEG             M5559        2:00:28          23            49           305           576           5:43          9:12
  456     285     Rachael Moran                Anola                F2529        2:00:32          21            51           149           524           5:43          9:12
  457     350     Laura Wisener                Winnipeg             F4549        2:00:35          17            60           150           524           5:43          9:12
  458     30      Lee Martin                   Winnipeg             F4044        2:00:35          28            82           151           524           5:43          9:12
  459     626     Tami Bender                  winnipeg             F4044        2:00:35          29            82           152           524           5:43          9:12
  460    1197     Al Watts                     Winnipeg             M4549        2:00:39          37            75           306           576           5:44          9:13
  461     118     Trevor Doerksen              winnipeg             M4044        2:00:41          44            87           307           576           5:44          9:13
  462     119     Phuong Phan                  winnipeg             F4044        2:00:42          30            82           153           524           5:44          9:13
  463     58      Julia Klassen                Winnipeg             F3034        2:00:43          26            76           154           524           5:44          9:13
  464     348     Don Webb                     Winnipeg             M6569        2:00:46          1             11           308           576           5:44          9:13
  465     401     Daryl Klassen                Winnipeg             M3539        2:00:46          46            84           309           576           5:44          9:13
  466     33      Josee Adrian                 Lorette west         F3539        2:00:48          32            88           155           524           5:44          9:13
  467     378     Catherine Landry             Winnipeg             F5054        2:00:58          12            59           156           524           5:44          9:14
  468     184     Catherine Galay              Winnipeg             F3034        2:01:11          27            76           157           524           5:45          9:15
  469     163     Keith Sutherland             Winnipeg             M3539        2:01:14          47            84           310           576           5:45          9:15
  470     625     Travis Plett                 Landmark             M2529        2:01:18          41            60           311           576           5:45          9:16
  471     89      Jeremy Sewell                Winnipeg             M4044        2:01:18          45            87           312           576           5:45          9:16
  472     553     Greg Giesbrecht              Winnipeg             M4044        2:01:19          46            87           313           576           5:45          9:16
  473     357     Terry McLure                 La Salle             M4549        2:01:20          38            75           314           576           5:45          9:16
  474    1030     Matt Janzen                  st-francois xavie    M3539        2:01:24          48            84           315           576           5:46          9:16
  475     792     Kristy Holfeld               Winnipeg             F3539        2:01:25          33            88           158           524           5:46          9:16
  476    1137     Frendell Cano                Winnipeg             M3539        2:01:29          49            84           316           576           5:46          9:16
  477     208     Mela Williams                Winnipeg             F3034        2:01:30          28            76           159           524           5:46          9:16
  478     164     Don Stewart                  Winnipeg             M5559        2:01:30          24            49           317           576           5:46          9:16
  479     267     Claudia Pittet               Holland              F4044        2:01:37          31            82           160           524           5:46          9:17
  480     45      Leah Liebrecht               Winnipeg             F3539        2:01:39          34            88           161           524           5:46          9:17
  481    1035     Fabarebo Omoniyi             Winnipeg             M3034        2:01:40          48            74           318           576           5:46          9:17
  482    1125     Ben Banman                   Winnipeg             M3034        2:01:43          49            74           319           576           5:47          9:17
  483     952     Ariel Mogan                  Winnipeg             M4044        2:01:44          47            87           320           576           5:47          9:18
  484    1157     Parwinder Dhaliwal           Winnipeg             M4549        2:01:44          39            75           321           576           5:47          9:18
  485     390     Tracy Bowman                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:01:56          32            82           162           524           5:47          9:18
  486     224     Curt Plett                   Linden               M5559        2:01:58          25            49           322           576           5:47          9:19
  487     570     Chris Dick                   Carman               M5054        2:01:58          40            60           323           576           5:47          9:19
  488     743     Adrian Wortley               Winnipeg             M4549        2:01:59          40            75           324           576           5:47          9:19
  489     473     Sheila Wiebe                 Sperling             F4549        2:02:00          18            60           163           524           5:47          9:19
  490    1159     Ricky Cam                    winnipeg             M4044        2:02:07          48            87           325           576           5:48          9:19
  491     603     B.J. McGillawee              Winnipeg             M3539        2:02:07          50            84           326           576           5:48          9:19
  492    1206     Matt Henderson               Winnipeg             M4044        2:02:11          49            87           327           576           5:48          9:20
  493     655     Kelsey Penner                Winnipeg             F3539        2:02:11          35            88           164           524           5:48          9:20
  494     362     Andrew Brine                 Winnipeg             M3034        2:02:14          50            74           328           576           5:48          9:20
  495     141     Keith Prairie                Winnipeg             M3539        2:02:23          51            84           329           576           5:48          9:20
  496    1010     Michael O'Rourke             The Pas              M5559        2:02:25          26            49           330           576           5:49          9:21
  497     848     Kaylene Reimer               Stonewall            F2529        2:02:32          22            51           165           524           5:49          9:21
  498     261     Vern Tessier                 Gimli                M5559        2:02:38          27            49           331           576           5:49          9:22
  499     619     Henry Aalbers                MacGregor            M5054        2:02:44          41            60           332           576           5:49          9:22
  500     181     Brenda Krueger               WINNIPEG             F6064        2:02:45          4             25           166           524           5:50          9:22
  501     314     Gordon Warren                Sanford              M5054        2:02:49          42            60           333           576           5:50          9:22
  502     537     Kevin Molina                 Winnipeg             M2024        2:02:51          18            24           334           576           5:50          9:23
  503     556     Eric Durand                  winnipeg             M3034        2:02:57          51            74           335           576           5:50          9:23
  504     115     Victor Fang                  Winnipeg             M3034        2:03:01          52            74           336           576           5:50          9:23
  505     799     Tommy Tran                   Winnipeg             M3539        2:03:07          52            84           337           576           5:51          9:24
  506     430     Sandi Nichol                 Winnipeg             F5559        2:03:09          6             38           167           524           5:51          9:24
  507     838     Nian Conti                   Oakbank              M3539        2:03:10          53            84           338           576           5:51          9:24
  508     431     Nicholas Guthrie             St Francois Xavie    M3539        2:03:15          54            84           339           576           5:51          9:25
  509    1214     Norman Garcia                Winnipeg             M4044        2:03:17          50            87           340           576           5:51          9:25
  510     723     Dinu Paraschiv               Winnipeg             M6064        2:03:23          10            34           341           576           5:51          9:25
  511     558     Lee Stewart                  Stonewall            F5559        2:03:24          7             38           168           524           5:51          9:25
  512    1016     Justin Marek                 Winnipeg             M2529        2:03:26          42            60           342           576           5:51          9:25
  513     35      Jay Ewert                    Arborg               M4044        2:03:28          51            87           343           576           5:52          9:25
  514     715     Kim Anderson                 Winnipeg             F5559        2:03:34          8             38           169           524           5:52          9:26
  515     924     Joshua Mitchell-Dueck        Winnipeg             M2024        2:03:34          19            24           344           576           5:52          9:26
  516    1094     Alex Haiart                  Winnipeg             M2529        2:03:37          43            60           345           576           5:52          9:26
  517     65      Alison August                WINNIPEG             F4044        2:03:38          33            82           170           524           5:52          9:26
  518    1194     Lindsey Lee                  Winnipeg             F3034        2:03:41          29            76           171           524           5:52          9:26
  519    1134     Phuong Nguyen                Winnipeg             F3539        2:03:56          36            88           172           524           5:53          9:28
  520     566     Kevin Kapitoler              Winnipeg             M4044        2:04:01          52            87           346           576           5:53          9:28
  521     427     Kori Tabbernor               Winnipeg             F3034        2:04:08          30            76           173           524           5:53          9:29
  522     969     Robyn McIntyre               East St Paul         F4044        2:04:18          34            82           174           524           5:54          9:29
  523     52      Tommy Petersen               Winnipeg             M5559        2:04:20          28            49           347           576           5:54          9:29
  524     405     Ronnel Pagsuyuin             Winnipeg             M4044        2:04:27          53            87           348           576           5:54          9:30
  525     621     Bentley Jones                Woodlands            F2024        2:04:29          8             24           175           524           5:54          9:30
  526     195     Paul Beaulieu                Winnipeg             M5054        2:04:32          43            60           349           576           5:55          9:30
  527    1144     Leeann Maendel               Macgregor            F3034        2:04:32          31            76           176           524           5:55          9:30
  528     614     Amber Oughton                Stonewall            F3034        2:04:43          32            76           177           524           5:55          9:31
  529     609     Kelli Stampe                 Winnipeg             F5559        2:04:44          9             38           178           524           5:55          9:31
  530     610     Tim Stampe                   Winnipeg             M5559        2:04:45          29            49           350           576           5:55          9:31
  531     972     Pete Copiak                  Winnipeg             M4549        2:04:48          41            75           351           576           5:55          9:32
  532     265     Curtis Rebizant              Winnipeg             M5054        2:04:49          44            60           352           576           5:55          9:32
  533    1065     Dan Reimer                   Randolph             M5559        2:04:51          30            49           353           576           5:56          9:32
  534     929     David Fielder                Winnipeg             M5559        2:04:57          31            49           354           576           5:56          9:32
  535     161     Gary Dyck                    Stonewall            M6064        2:05:02          11            34           355           576           5:56          9:33
  536     524     Shelly Edbom                 ST ANDREWS           F4044        2:05:08          35            82           179           524           5:56          9:33
  537     415     Kristina Farmer              Oakbank              F4549        2:05:09          19            60           180           524           5:56          9:33
  538     876     Dana Martin                  Winnipeg             F5054        2:05:09          13            59           181           524           5:56          9:33
  539     506     R St-Hilaire                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:05:11          37            88           182           524           5:56          9:33
  540     123     Daniel Fukushima-Dyal        Winnipeg             M4044        2:05:12          54            87           356           576           5:57          9:33
  541     725     Marco McDonald               winnipeg             M4549        2:05:13          42            75           357           576           5:57          9:33
  542    1071     Mike Cook                    Winnipeg             M6064        2:05:15          12            34           358           576           5:57          9:34
  543     526     Linda Whitfield              Winnipeg             F5054        2:05:17          14            59           183           524           5:57          9:34
  544     529     Robert Ciavaglia             Winnipeg             M6569        2:05:21          2             11           359           576           5:57          9:34
  545     131     Erick Nduwimana              Winnipeg             M3539        2:05:27          55            84           360           576           5:57          9:35
  546    1218     Nathan Dumont                Winnipeg             M2024        2:05:48          20            24           361           576           5:58          9:36
  547     827     Jen Ross                     THUNDER BAY          F3034        2:05:49          33            76           184           524           5:58          9:36
  548     834     Eran Plotnik                 Winnipeg             M6064        2:05:52          13            34           362           576           5:58          9:36
  549     461     Tamara Bousquet              Winnipeg             F3034        2:05:52          34            76           185           524           5:58          9:36
  550     544     Randay Flumian               Lac la biche         F3539        2:06:04          38            88           186           524           5:59          9:37
  551     120     Nancy Bezan                  Roland               F5559        2:06:05          10            38           187           524           5:59          9:37
  552     469     Jon Woolley                  Winnipeg             M4044        2:06:05          55            87           363           576           5:59          9:37
  553    1240     Jason Guarino                Headingley           M4549        2:06:05          43            75           364           576           5:59          9:37
  554     301     Claire Herbert               Winnipeg             F4549        2:06:09          20            60           188           524           5:59          9:38
  555     379     Liz Andrews                  Kenora               F4044        2:06:10          36            82           189           524           5:59          9:38
  556     335     Julie Paton                  Winnipeg             F5054        2:06:11          15            59           190           524           5:59          9:38
  557     846     Tyson McMurren               Stonewall            M4044        2:06:15          56            87           365           576           5:59          9:38
  558     79      Alexandra Turchyn            Winnipeg             F2529        2:06:22          23            51           191           524           6:00          9:39
  559     574     Kaycee Capulong              Winnipeg             M3539        2:06:24          56            84           366           576           6:00          9:39
  560     804     Laurel Tolchinsky            East St Paul         F3539        2:06:44          39            88           192           524           6:01          9:40
  561     229     Joline Martin                Winnipeg             F3034        2:06:48          35            76           193           524           6:01          9:41
  562     175     Jen Shapka                   Winnipeg             F4044        2:06:48          37            82           194           524           6:01          9:41
  563     423     Ryan Asselstine              Winnipeg             M3034        2:06:49          53            74           367           576           6:01          9:41
  564     880     David Cordingley             Winnipeg             M3034        2:06:50          54            74           368           576           6:01          9:41
  565     862     Kelly Rock                   Winnipeg             F5054        2:06:52          16            59           195           524           6:01          9:41
  566     930     Melissa Budd                 Stonewall            F4549        2:06:54          21            60           196           524           6:01          9:41
  567     513     Trevor Martens               Niverville           M3539        2:06:58          57            84           369           576           6:01          9:41
  568     955     Brian Wood                   Carman               M3539        2:07:03          58            84           370           576           6:02          9:42
  569     96      Dennis Jones                 Winnipeg             M6064        2:07:04          14            34           371           576           6:02          9:42
  570     94      Duane Johnstone              Winnipeg             M4044        2:07:09          57            87           372           576           6:02          9:42
  571    1022     Rochelle Reynolds            Winnipeg             F4044        2:07:09          38            82           197           524           6:02          9:42
  572     975     Hylin McLaren                Winnipeg             F5054        2:07:16          17            59           198           524           6:02          9:43
  573     205     Dianne Dolyniuk              Winnipeg             F5054        2:07:29          18            59           199           524           6:03          9:44
  574     75      Katharine Young              Winnipeg             F4044        2:07:32          39            82           200           524           6:03          9:44
  575     447     Robert Bonnefoy              Winnipeg             M4549        2:07:32          44            75           373           576           6:03          9:44
  576     584     Sacha Paul                   Winnipeg             M4044        2:07:37          58            87           374           576           6:03          9:44
  577     861     Ashley Bauch                 Moosehorn            F3539        2:07:42          40            88           201           524           6:04          9:45
  578     691     Kate Walley                  Winnipeg             F1619        2:07:48          1             5            202           524           6:04          9:45
  579     424     Robin Veldkamp               Winnipeg             F5054        2:08:01          19            59           203           524           6:05          9:46
  580    1038     Maria Quintas                Wpg                  F4549        2:08:03          22            60           204           524           6:05          9:46
  581    1139     Maria Arlt                   The Pas              F3539        2:08:06          41            88           205           524           6:05          9:47
  582     996     Trent Piazzoni               WINNIPEG             M4549        2:08:07          45            75           375           576           6:05          9:47
  583     160     Heather Duckworth            Winnipeg             F6064        2:08:08          5             25           206           524           6:05          9:47
  584     830     Jacqueline Rutledge          Winnipeg             F2529        2:08:08          24            51           207           524           6:05          9:47
  585    1223     Amanda Donnelly              Winnipeg             F3034        2:08:21          36            76           208           524           6:05          9:48
  586     202     Lucy Vuong                   Winnipeg             F2529        2:08:26          25            51           209           524           6:06          9:48
  587     923     Lara Iserloh                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:08:29          42            88           210           524           6:06          9:48
  588     294     Derek Okabe                  Winnipeg             M2529        2:08:29          44            60           376           576           6:06          9:48
  589     877     Jeff Lillies                 Winnipeg             M4044        2:08:33          59            87           377           576           6:06          9:49
  590     453     Dwayne Wheeler               WINNIPEG             M5054        2:08:34          45            60           378           576           6:06          9:49
  591     173     Fiona Desmet                 Winnipeg             F5054        2:08:38          20            59           211           524           6:06          9:49
  592    1036     Rhonda Dube                  Winnipeg             F3539        2:08:40          43            88           212           524           6:06          9:49
  593     687     Patty Sudermann              Winnipeg             F6064        2:08:43          6             25           213           524           6:06          9:50
  594     900     Esther Adamson               Winnipeg             F4549        2:08:44          23            60           214           524           6:07          9:50
  595     245     Judy Quistberg               Kenora               F5054        2:08:46          21            59           215           524           6:07          9:50
  596     783     Christopher Rees             Winnipeg             M5054        2:08:54          46            60           379           576           6:07          9:50
  597     310     Dale Mastel                  winnipeg             M5559        2:08:58          32            49           380           576           6:07          9:51
  598     745     Evan Hunter                  Winnipeg             M3539        2:09:06          59            84           381           576           6:08          9:51
  599     720     Jeff Bell                    Winnipeg             M4044        2:09:06          60            87           382           576           6:08          9:51
  600     542     Colleen Chabot               Winnipeg             F5054        2:09:14          22            59           216           524           6:08          9:52
  601     14      Roger Au                     WINNIPEG             M3539        2:09:15          60            84           383           576           6:08          9:52
  602    1133     Paul Brault                  Headingley           M6064        2:09:21          15            34           384           576           6:08          9:52
  603     858     Catherine Moltzan            Headingley           F5054        2:09:22          23            59           217           524           6:08          9:52
  604    1093     Heather Johannson            Winnipeg             F3034        2:09:36          37            76           218           524           6:09          9:54
  605     549     Terri Rosendale              Winnipeg             F5054        2:09:40          24            59           219           524           6:09          9:54
  606    1076     Liam Ivany                   Grosse Isle          M1115        2:09:46          4             4            385           576           6:09          9:54
  607     628     Trent Wilts                  Brandon              M4044        2:09:48          61            87           386           576           6:10          9:54
  608     124     Amna Dunlukman               Winnipeg             F3539        2:09:52          44            88           220           524           6:10          9:55
  609     342     Shelley Borschawa            Winnipeg             F6064        2:09:58          7             25           221           524           6:10          9:55
  610     669     Sean Bracken                 WINNIPEG             M3539        2:09:58          61            84           387           576           6:10          9:55
  611    1097     Melissa Pryce                Winnipeg             F3539        2:10:00          45            88           222           524           6:10          9:55
  612     201     Chris Magas                  East St. Paul        M5054        2:10:17          47            60           388           576           6:11          9:57
  613    1078     Morag Ivany                  Warren               F3539        2:10:19          46            88           223           524           6:11          9:57
  614     271     Chrissy Tournier Croft       Morden               F3034        2:10:26          38            76           224           524           6:11          9:57
  615     981     Daniel Faingold              Winnipeg             M4549        2:10:29          46            75           389           576           6:11          9:58
  616    1248     Terry Parlow                 Brandon              M4549        2:10:30          47            75           390           576           6:12          9:58
  617     125     Jeffrey Harris               Winnipeg             M6569        2:10:35          3             11           391           576           6:12          9:58
  618     875     Heather Messner              Blumenort            F3034        2:10:38          39            76           225           524           6:12          9:58
  619     868     Kimberly Olfert              Winnipeg             F5054        2:10:38          25            59           226           524           6:12          9:58
  620     225     Catherine Card               Winnipeg             F3539        2:10:45          47            88           227           524           6:12          9:59
  621     495     Gary Oko                     WINNIPEG             M6064        2:10:45          16            34           392           576           6:12          9:59
  622     726     David Dunwoody               Winnipeg             M4549        2:10:50          48            75           393           576           6:12          9:59
  623     716     Dave Tucker                  Winnipeg             M4044        2:10:52          62            87           394           576           6:13          9:59
  624     456     Shari Diamond                Winnipeg             F5054        2:10:53          26            59           228           524           6:13          9:59
  625    1070     Tara Gill                    Winnipeg             F5054        2:10:54          27            59           229           524           6:13          9:59
  626    1031     Jill Faul                    Langenburg           F3539        2:10:54          48            88           230           524           6:13         10:00
  627     264     Rikki Erhart                 Morris               F3034        2:11:08          40            76           231           524           6:13         10:01
  628     189     Minli Huang                  winnipeg             F3034        2:11:19          41            76           232           524           6:14         10:01
  629     810     Tyler Dusanek                Winnipeg             M2529        2:11:32          45            60           395           576           6:15         10:02
  630     377     Kathleen Gagne               Winnipeg             F4044        2:11:37          40            82           233           524           6:15         10:03
  631    1245     Shannon Scott                GRAND RAPIDS         F4549        2:11:38          24            60           234           524           6:15         10:03
  632     272     Sandi Lamont                 Wpg.                 F6064        2:11:42          8             25           235           524           6:15         10:03
  633    1077     Henry Bakker                 West St. Paul        M6064        2:11:46          17            34           396           576           6:15         10:03
  634    1118     Charlene Stacey              Winnipeg             F3034        2:11:49          42            76           236           524           6:15         10:04
  635    1074     Kristin Darragh              East St. Paul        F4044        2:11:49          41            82           237           524           6:15         10:04
  636     562     Natalie Friesen              Winnipeg             F1619        2:11:59          2             5            238           524           6:16         10:04
  637     561     David Friesen                Winnipeg             M4549        2:12:00          49            75           397           576           6:16         10:05
  638     527     Sherisse McDuffe             BEAUSEJOUR           F4044        2:12:01          42            82           239           524           6:16         10:05
  639     57      Ed Amman                     Winnipeg             M6064        2:12:02          18            34           398           576           6:16         10:05
  640     255     Vicki Stevens                Winnipeg             F6064        2:12:02          9             25           240           524           6:16         10:05
  641     532     Shelly Marques               St andrews                        2:12:02                                     241           524           6:16         10:05
  642     304     Brendan McAndrew             Sanford              M2529        2:12:03          46            60           399           576           6:16         10:05
  643     284     Roseanne Nelson              Oakville             F6064        2:12:05          10            25           242           524           6:16         10:05
  644     600     Lisa Pischke                 WINNIPEG             F4549        2:12:06          25            60           243           524           6:16         10:05
  645    1102     Michael Dickson              Winnipeg             M3539        2:12:10          62            84           400           576           6:16         10:05
  646     290     Michelle Georgi              winnipeg             F5559        2:12:13          11            38           244           524           6:16         10:06
  647    1244     Jared Olsen                  Sioux Lookout        M2529        2:12:19          47            60           401           576           6:17         10:06
  648     391     Anya Nazeravich              Winnipeg             F2024        2:12:23          9             24           245           524           6:17         10:06
  649     388     Derrick Greene               Sioux Lookout        M4044        2:12:28          63            87           402           576           6:17         10:07
  650     412     Ryan Gray                    Winnipeg             M4044        2:12:30          64            87           403           576           6:17         10:07
  651     483     Erica Stewart                Winnipeg             F4549        2:12:32          26            60           246           524           6:17         10:07
  652     664     Michael Boyle                Winnipeg             M4044        2:12:32          65            87           404           576           6:17         10:07
  653     395     Marianne McPeek              Winnipeg             F4044        2:12:34          43            82           247           524           6:17         10:07
  654      1      Art Stannard                 Winnipeg             M6064        2:12:35          19            34           405           576           6:18         10:07
  655     151     Lance Burdett                Winnipeg             M6064        2:12:35          20            34           406           576           6:18         10:07
  656     682     Dee-Dee Gibson               Winnipeg             F2529        2:12:37          26            51           248           524           6:18         10:07
  657     515     Kathryn Brooks               Winnipeg             F3034        2:12:40          43            76           249           524           6:18         10:08
  658     951     Kari Labonte                 East St. Paul        F4549        2:12:43          27            60           250           524           6:18         10:08
  659     814     Tricia Toews                 Niverville           F4044        2:12:43          44            82           251           524           6:18         10:08
  660     777     Jessica James                Winnipeg             F2529        2:12:44          27            51           252           524           6:18         10:08
  661     42      Christine Hildebrandt        St-Pierre-Jolys      F3539        2:12:55          49            88           253           524           6:18         10:09
  662     434     Daniel Goertzen              Winnipeg             M4549        2:13:06          50            75           407           576           6:19         10:10
  663    1187     Kim St Laurent               ILE DES CHENES       F4549        2:13:06          28            60           254           524           6:19         10:10
  664    1117     Trina Ross                   Winnipeg             F4044        2:13:10          45            82           255           524           6:19         10:10
  665     906     Courtney Overwater           Oak Bluff            F3034        2:13:10          44            76           256           524           6:19         10:10
  666     13      Kristy Beriault              Winnipeg             F4044        2:13:11          46            82           257           524           6:19         10:10
  667     688     Dianne Pettitt               Winnipeg             F6064        2:13:12          11            25           258           524           6:19         10:10
  668     463     Annette Albo                 Winnipeg             F5054        2:13:13          28            59           259           524           6:19         10:10
  669     904     Carol Bohn                   WINNIPEG             F6569        2:13:15          2             9            260           524           6:19         10:10
  670     987     Asela Wanigasekara           WINNIPEG             M5559        2:13:22          33            49           408           576           6:20         10:11
  671     776     Kim Roffey                   winnipeg             F5559        2:13:28          12            38           261           524           6:20         10:11
  672     651     David Szwajcer               Winnipeg             M4549        2:13:29          51            75           409           576           6:20         10:11
  673    1198     Nancy Buchheim               Winnipeg             F4549        2:13:35          29            60           262           524           6:20         10:12
  674     429     Danielle Kehler              St Pierre Jolys      F2529        2:13:36          28            51           263           524           6:20         10:12
  675     439     Christopher Stephens         New York             M5054        2:13:38          48            60           410           576           6:20         10:12
  676     832     Troy Calleran                Winnipeg             M4044        2:13:42          66            87           411           576           6:21         10:12
  677     54      Jeff McLauchlan              Oakbank              M3539        2:13:43          63            84           412           576           6:21         10:12
  678     40      Randy Hirose                 Winnipeg             M6569        2:13:52          4             11           413           576           6:21         10:13
  679     27      Kent Breitsprecher           St. Andrews          M3539        2:13:56          64            84           414           576           6:21         10:13
  680     291     Niki Card                    Winnipeg             F4044        2:13:56          47            82           264           524           6:21         10:13
  681     790     Jaquie Dawson                Winnipeg             F4549        2:13:59          30            60           265           524           6:21         10:14
  682     38      Dale Weevers                 Winnipeg             M3539        2:13:59          65            84           415           576           6:21         10:14
  683     903     Alexandra Fehr               Linden               F2529        2:14:04          29            51           266           524           6:22         10:14
  684     826     Melissa Pham                 Thompson             F3539        2:14:11          50            88           267           524           6:22         10:14
  685     520     Jeannine Meyer               Winnipeg             F5559        2:14:12          13            38           268           524           6:22         10:15
  686     944     Simon Giguere                winnipeg             M2529        2:14:13          48            60           416           576           6:22         10:15
  687     707     Claudia Kaegi                Balmoral             F5054        2:14:13          29            59           269           524           6:22         10:15
  688     635     Elana Greene                 Winnipeg             F5054        2:14:15          30            59           270           524           6:22         10:15
  689     818     Dan Lewis                    Winnipeg             M3539        2:14:20          66            84           417           576           6:22         10:15
  690    1005     Jill Allison                 Winnipeg             F6064        2:14:22          12            25           271           524           6:23         10:15
  691    1039     Charles Tetrault             Winnipeg             M3539        2:14:25          67            84           418           576           6:23         10:16
  692     411     Dana Feal                    Winnipeg             M5054        2:14:33          49            60           419           576           6:23         10:16
  693     209     Morice Labossiere            Winnipeg             M5054        2:14:34          50            60           420           576           6:23         10:16
  694     939     Juan Cortez                  Steinbach            M4044        2:14:39          67            87           421           576           6:23         10:17
  695     211     Lisa Allison                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:14:41          48            82           272           524           6:23         10:17
  696     892     Alisa Mayberry               Winnipeg             F3034        2:14:42          45            76           273           524           6:24         10:17
  697    1032     Justin Friesen               Winnipeg             M3034        2:14:49          55            74           422           576           6:24         10:17
  698    1224     Kevin Kolisniak              Winnipeg             M5054        2:14:50          51            60           423           576           6:24         10:17
  699     765     Jason Moffatt                Portage la Prairi    M2529        2:14:57          49            60           424           576           6:24         10:18
  700     73      Scott Fraser                 Winnipeg             M4549        2:14:57          52            75           425           576           6:24         10:18
  701     937     Laura Brittany               Winnipeg             F3034        2:15:04          46            76           274           524           6:25         10:19
  702     191     Darlene Foster               Winnipeg             F5054        2:15:04          31            59           275           524           6:25         10:19
  703     608     Marnie Pisclevich            Winnipeg             F4044        2:15:05          49            82           276           524           6:25         10:19
  704     908     Carmen Basarowich            Winnipeg             F4549        2:15:12          31            60           277           524           6:25         10:19
  705     260     Cassie Kowalchuk             Winnipeg             F2024        2:15:21          10            24           278           524           6:25         10:20
  706     216     Amy Clarkson                 Winnipeg             F3034        2:15:23          47            76           279           524           6:25         10:20
  707     672     Ed Toews                     WINNIPEG             M6064        2:15:39          21            34           426           576           6:26         10:21
  708    1140     Dan Chevrier                 St. Adolphe          M4044        2:15:43          68            87           427           576           6:26         10:22
  709     587     Paul Manabat                 Winnipeg             M3539        2:15:45          68            84           428           576           6:26         10:22
  710     360     Alicia Looker                Winnipeg             F2024        2:15:48          11            24           280           524           6:27         10:22
  711     850     Sara Robert                  Winnipeg             F3539        2:15:57          51            88           281           524           6:27         10:23
  712    1160     Dyan Unrau                   West St Paul         F3034        2:15:59          48            76           282           524           6:27         10:23
  713    1100     Franky Czinege               Winnipeg             M4044        2:16:04          69            87           429           576           6:27         10:23
  714     622     Connie Haw                   Winnipeg             F2529        2:16:05          30            51           283           524           6:27         10:23
  715     623     Trevor Woligroski            Winnipeg             M3034        2:16:05          56            74           430           576           6:27         10:23
  716     368     Korey Asher                  West St Paul         M4549        2:16:14          53            75           431           576           6:28         10:24
  717    1099     Marie Buisson                Winnipeg             F6569        2:16:17          3             9            284           524           6:28         10:24
  718     704     Diego Zabalegui              Winnipeg             M5054        2:16:17          52            60           432           576           6:28         10:24
  719     712     Carole Nicholas              Winnipeg             F5054        2:16:19          32            59           285           524           6:28         10:24
  720     384     Megan Young                  Winnipeg             F3539        2:16:21          52            88           286           524           6:28         10:24
  721     49      Desmond Kappel               Winnipeg             M5054        2:16:21          53            60           433           576           6:28         10:24
  722     246     Petra Becker                 Winnipeg             F5054        2:16:22          33            59           287           524           6:28         10:24
  723     385     Jamie Young                  Winnipeg             M3539        2:16:22          69            84           434           576           6:28         10:25
  724     171     Amy Passmore                 WINNIPEG             F4044        2:16:22          50            82           288           524           6:28         10:25
  725     991     James Meyer                  Brandon              M4044        2:16:27          70            87           435           576           6:28         10:25
  726     845     Deborah Asham                Brandon              F4549        2:16:27          32            60           289           524           6:28         10:25
  727     256     Beth Taylor Greig            Kenora               F6569        2:16:41          4             9            290           524           6:29         10:26
  728    1034     Beth Lang                    Brandon              F3539        2:16:51          53            88           291           524           6:30         10:27
  729    1015     Gillian Schmidt              Brandon              F3034        2:16:52          49            76           292           524           6:30         10:27
  730    1215     Melanie Hakala               Thunder Bay          F4044        2:16:53          51            82           293           524           6:30         10:27
  731    1147     Kelly Guetre                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:16:53          52            82           294           524           6:30         10:27
  732     214     Cheryl Hill                  Winnipeg             F5559        2:16:54          14            38           295           524           6:30         10:27
  733     543     Sharon Garson                Split Lake           F5054        2:16:54          34            59           296           524           6:30         10:27
  734     16      Bryanne McLaughlin           Brandon              F3034        2:16:59          50            76           297           524           6:30         10:27
  735    1106     Kimberly Shemeluk            St. Adolphe          F4044        2:17:06          53            82           298           524           6:30         10:28
  736    1225     Kim Beauchamp                Woodlands            F4549        2:17:08          33            60           299           524           6:30         10:28
  737     375     Tammy Christopher            SALEM                F4549        2:17:12          34            60           300           524           6:31         10:28
  738     921     Sawyer Craig                 Winnipeg             F2529        2:17:17          31            51           301           524           6:31         10:29
  739     579     Kelli Paskaruk               WINNIPEG             F5054        2:17:21          35            59           302           524           6:31         10:29
  740     373     Kirsty Greene                Sioux Lookout        F4044        2:17:27          54            82           303           524           6:31         10:29
  741     769     Kimberly Puchala             Winnipeg             F4549        2:17:41          35            60           304           524           6:32         10:31
  742     768     Steve Puchala                Winnipeg             M5559        2:17:41          34            49           436           576           6:32         10:31
  743     767     Geoff Ryan                   Winnipeg             M5054        2:17:43          54            60           437           576           6:32         10:31
  744     392     Paul Bernardin               WINNIPEG             M6064        2:17:47          22            34           438           576           6:32         10:31
  745     293     Lisa Mackedenski             Erickson             F5559        2:17:49          15            38           305           524           6:32         10:31
  746     816     Carianne Mackey              kenora               F5054        2:17:53          36            59           306           524           6:33         10:31
  747     270     Jean-Paul Pittet             Holland              M4549        2:17:53          54            75           439           576           6:33         10:31
  748     422     Abe Villanueva               Winnipeg             M4549        2:17:59          55            75           440           576           6:33         10:32
  749     76      Stacy Ponask                 WINNIPEG             F3034        2:18:00          51            76           307           524           6:33         10:32
  750    1020     Vitalii Anhel                Winnipeg             M2024        2:18:06          21            24           441           576           6:33         10:32
  751     732     Trish Seens                  Winnipeg             F3539        2:18:10          54            88           308           524           6:33         10:33
  752     308     Shannon Martin               La Salle             M4549        2:18:13          56            75           442           576           6:34         10:33
  753    1042     Rochelle Squires             Winnipeg             F4549        2:18:16          36            60           309           524           6:34         10:33
  754     514     Marissa Cummer               Winnipeg             F3034        2:18:21          52            76           310           524           6:34         10:34
  755     629     Marnie Malandrakis           Winnipeg             F3539        2:18:27          55            88           311           524           6:34         10:34
  756    1185     Kareen Ramacola              Winnipeg             F3539        2:18:32          56            88           312           524           6:34         10:34
  757     648     Evelyn McKim                 Brandon              F6064        2:18:35          13            25           313           524           6:35         10:35
  758     72      Andre Martel                 Winnipeg             M4549        2:18:36          57            75           443           576           6:35         10:35
  759     60      Jeff Horkoff                 WPG                  M7074        2:18:42          2             7            444           576           6:35         10:35
  760     210     Norie Cunningham             Winnipeg             F4044        2:18:44          55            82           314           524           6:35         10:35
  761     114     Jessica Fang                 Winnipeg             F2529        2:19:04          32            51           315           524           6:36         10:37
  762    1132     Matt Wieler                  wpg                  M3539        2:19:09          70            84           445           576           6:36         10:37
  763     366     Kris Robinson                St. Adolphe          M3539        2:19:09          71            84           446           576           6:36         10:37
  764     289     Jennifer Fiddler             Selkirk              F3034        2:19:10          53            76           316           524           6:36         10:37
  765    1231     Ashton King                  Lac du Bonnet        M1619        2:19:14          3             5            447           576           6:36         10:38
  766     259     Elvira Kowalchuk             Winnipeg             F5559        2:19:14          16            38           317           524           6:36         10:38
  767     251     Michelle Maxwell             Forrest              F4549        2:19:25          37            60           318           524           6:37         10:38
  768     764     Andrea Nielsen               La Salle             F4044        2:19:27          56            82           319           524           6:37         10:39
  769     249     Jeff Maxwell                 Forrest              M4549        2:19:27          58            75           448           576           6:37         10:39
  770     645     Tima Faria                   Winnipeg             F5054        2:19:28          37            59           320           524           6:37         10:39
  771     228     Mike Malyk                   Winniprg             M6064        2:19:47          23            34           449           576           6:38         10:40
  772     302     Sherry Sheppard              Stonewall            F5054        2:19:49          38            59           321           524           6:38         10:40
  773     588     Jerri-Lee MacKay             WINNIPEG             F5559        2:19:57          17            38           322           524           6:38         10:41
  774    1217     Sabrina Hochman              Winnipeg             F3539        2:19:58          57            88           323           524           6:38         10:41
  775     700     Wendy Matthews               Winnipeg             F5559        2:20:01          18            38           324           524           6:39         10:41
  776     759     James Zacharias              Winnipeg             M5054        2:20:02          55            60           450           576           6:39         10:41
  777     805     Anna Stewart                 WINNIPEG             F3034        2:20:04          54            76           325           524           6:39         10:41
  778     801     Carmen Recksiedler           Winnipeg             F3539        2:20:04          58            88           326           524           6:39         10:41
  779     177     Jamie Chalmers               Winnipeg             F2529        2:20:12          33            51           327           524           6:39         10:42
  780     675     Whitney Stanhope             Winnipeg             F2024        2:20:15          12            24           328           524           6:39         10:42
  781     32      Sue Wasyelenchuk             Springfield          F4549        2:20:16          38            60           329           524           6:39         10:42
  782     871     Melodie Michalchuk           Winnipeg             F3034        2:20:29          55            76           330           524           6:40         10:43
  783     956     Nethera Daquigan             Winnipeg             F2024        2:20:30          13            24           331           524           6:40         10:43
  784     230     Felicia Wiltshire            Winnipeg             F3539        2:20:32          59            88           332           524           6:40         10:44
  785     451     E Duncan Transfered To Half  Winnipeg             F2024        2:20:33          14            24           333           524           6:40         10:44
  786    1136     Lynn Tibbs                   Winnipeg             F6064        2:20:34          14            25           334           524           6:40         10:44
  787     269     Rebecca Van Ginkel           Winnipeg             F2024        2:20:37          15            24           335           524           6:40         10:44
  788     843     Ruth Schellenberg            Winnipeg             F6064        2:20:47          15            25           336           524           6:41         10:45
  789     218     Marnie Vielfaure             Winnipeg             F3034        2:20:52          56            76           337           524           6:41         10:45
  790     917     Eva Goldenstein              Winnipeg             F4044        2:20:57          57            82           338           524           6:41         10:46
  791     918     John Intac                   Winnipeg             M3539        2:20:59          72            84           451           576           6:41         10:46
  792     150     Angela Concepcion            Winnipeg             F2024        2:21:02          16            24           339           524           6:42         10:46
  793     869     Maria Da Ponte               Lockport             F5054        2:21:03          39            59           340           524           6:42         10:46
  794     753     Probo Nanayakkara            Winnipeg             F2529        2:21:07          34            51           341           524           6:42         10:46
  795     598     Roberto Martinez             Winnipeg             M3539        2:21:08          73            84           452           576           6:42         10:46
  796    1095     Constanze Roeder             Winnipeg             F1619        2:21:12          3             5            342           524           6:42         10:47
  797     165     Kirsten Parker               Winnipeg             F4044        2:21:13          58            82           343           524           6:42         10:47
  798     188     Chris Buffie                 Winnipeg             M4044        2:21:13          71            87           453           576           6:42         10:47
  799     295     Elsie Yip                    Winnipeg             F5054        2:21:39          40            59           344           524           6:43         10:49
  800     569     Heather Haus                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:21:44          59            82           345           524           6:44         10:49
  801     387     Michael Haus                 Winnipeg             M3034        2:21:45          57            74           454           576           6:44         10:49
  802    1064     Tim Friesen                  Winnipeg             M3539        2:21:52          74            84           455           576           6:44         10:50
  803     572     Aimee Dunsford               Winnipeg             F2024        2:21:56          17            24           346           524           6:44         10:50
  804     490     Allan Francis                Winnipeg             M5559        2:21:57          35            49           456           576           6:44         10:50
  805     791     Garrett Young                Winnipeg             M2529        2:21:58          50            60           457           576           6:44         10:50
  806     252     Barry Atkinson               Winnipeg             M7074        2:21:59          3             7            458           576           6:44         10:50
  807     668     Leanne Vervaet               Winnipeg             F4044        2:22:12          60            82           347           524           6:45         10:51
  808     737     Susan Thorvaldson            Winnipeg             F4044        2:22:12          61            82           348           524           6:45         10:51
  809     870     Derek Boutang                Winnipeg             M4549        2:22:23          59            75           459           576           6:45         10:52
  810     278     Lori Roberts                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:22:24          62            82           349           524           6:45         10:52
  811     995     Kelsey Luit                  Winnipeg             F3034        2:22:26          57            76           350           524           6:45         10:52
  812     575     Mark David                   Winnipeg             M3034        2:22:36          58            74           460           576           6:46         10:53
  813     282     Tara Dovgoselets             Winnipeg             F4549        2:22:42          39            60           351           524           6:46         10:54
  814    1007     Kim McLarty                  WINNIPEG             F5054        2:22:42          41            59           352           524           6:46         10:54
  815    1096     Melanie Watts                Winnipeg             F4044        2:22:44          63            82           353           524           6:46         10:54
  816     546     Taralee Beardy               Split Lake           F4549        2:22:50          40            60           354           524           6:47         10:54
  817     122     Paul Rajotte                 St. Adolphe          M4044        2:23:10          72            87           461           576           6:48         10:56
  818     943     Renee La Vallee              WINNIPEG             F3539        2:23:16          60            88           355           524           6:48         10:56
  819     678     Bailey Felkar                Edmonton             F2529        2:23:21          35            51           356           524           6:48         10:56
  820     756     Raquel Barr                  Winnipeg             F2529        2:23:22          36            51           357           524           6:48         10:57
  821     966     Marcela Popowich             Winnipeg             F4044        2:23:25          64            82           358           524           6:48         10:57
  822     402     Caitlin Cisyk                The Pas              F2529        2:23:29          37            51           359           524           6:48         10:57
  823     11      Reg Brown                    Winnipeg             M5559        2:23:29          36            49           462           576           6:48         10:57
  824     750     Greg Block                   Winnipeg             M6064        2:23:30          24            34           463           576           6:49         10:57
  825    1085     Blythe Bailey                Sioux Lookout        F2024        2:23:30          18            24           360           524           6:49         10:57
  826    1131     Carey Lai                    Winnipeg             M3539        2:23:33          75            84           464           576           6:49         10:57
  827     795     Iris Jackson                 Winnipeg             F3034        2:23:40          58            76           361           524           6:49         10:58
  828     754     Michael Rochon               Winnipeg             M4549        2:23:58          60            75           465           576           6:50         10:59
  829     789     Justis Pederson              Winnipeg             M2529        2:24:00          51            60           466           576           6:50         10:59
  830     534     Sarah Flowers                Sioux Lookout        F3539        2:24:05          61            88           362           524           6:50         11:00
  831     535     Jon Armstrong                SIOUX LOOKOUT        M4044        2:24:06          73            87           467           576           6:50         11:00
  832     721     Amber Hildebrandt            Winnipeg             F3539        2:24:07          62            88           363           524           6:50         11:00
  833     897     Kristie Levandoski           WINNIPEG             F5054        2:24:07          42            59           364           524           6:50         11:00
  834     920     Robert Smith                 oakbank              M5054        2:24:09          56            60           468           576           6:50         11:00
  835    1155     Derek Eno                    Winnipeg             M4044        2:24:16          74            87           469           576           6:51         11:01
  836     680     Janet Timmerman              Winnipeg             F4044        2:24:16          65            82           365           524           6:51         11:01
  837     699     Brenda Still                 Winnipeg             F5559        2:24:21          19            38           366           524           6:51         11:01
  838     540     William Skubovius            Winnipeg             M4549        2:24:39          61            75           470           576           6:52         11:02
  839     954     Gary Borger                  Winnipeg             M6064        2:24:53          25            34           471           576           6:52         11:03
  840     873     Frank Gallo                  WINNIPEG             M4044        2:25:14          75            87           472           576           6:53         11:05
  841     370     Hardy Theilen                Winnipeg             M5054        2:25:20          57            60           473           576           6:54         11:06
  842    1053     Brittany Nicolas             WINNIPEG             F3034        2:25:28          59            76           367           524           6:54         11:06
  843     586     Doug McKay                   Winnipeg             M6064        2:25:29          26            34           474           576           6:54         11:06
  844    1086     David Rainville              Winnipeg             M3539        2:25:44          76            84           475           576           6:55         11:07
  845     606     Ardith Boxall                Winnipeg             F5054        2:25:47          43            59           368           524           6:55         11:08
  846     219     Keith Bartniski              Winnipeg             M4044        2:25:48          76            87           476           576           6:55         11:08
  847     493     Linda Stupack                Winnipeg             F5054        2:25:48          44            59           369           524           6:55         11:08
  848     26      Joanne Embree                Winnipeg             F6569        2:25:52          5             9            370           524           6:55         11:08
  849     932     Kim Wong                     Winnipeg             F5054        2:25:55          45            59           371           524           6:55         11:08
  850     15      Debbie Barnes                WINNIPEG             F5559        2:25:59          20            38           372           524           6:56         11:09
  851     406     Stevan Leipsic               Winnipeg             M7074        2:25:59          4             7            477           576           6:56         11:09
  852     53      Lindsay McLauchlan           Oakbank              F3539        2:26:03          63            88           373           524           6:56         11:09
  853     158     Chantal Sawbo                Winnipeg             F3539        2:26:10          64            88           374           524           6:56         11:09
  854     512     Michelle Tuck                Winnipeg             F4044        2:26:17          66            82           375           524           6:56         11:10
  855     673     Wendy Clark                  Carman               F5054        2:26:26          46            59           376           524           6:57         11:11
  856    1115     Reginald Marginet            holland              M6064        2:26:28          27            34           478           576           6:57         11:11
  857     190     Sherri Grandmont             La Salle             F4549        2:26:28          41            60           377           524           6:57         11:11
  858    1220     James Carson                 Winnipeg             M6569        2:26:30          5             11           479           576           6:57         11:11
  859     78      Tracy Jackman                winnipeg             F4044        2:26:35          67            82           378           524           6:57         11:11
  860     698     Lana Demkey                  Winnipeg             F4549        2:26:35          42            60           379           524           6:57         11:11
  861     137     Glory Waldner                Portage la Prairi    F5054        2:26:36          47            59           380           524           6:57         11:11
  862     419     Larry Dyck                   Ste Anne             M6569        2:26:36          6             11           480           576           6:57         11:11
  863     746     Natalie Sala                 STE ANNE             F3539        2:26:45          65            88           381           524           6:58         11:12
  864     403     Lee Gardiner                 Crystal City         F3539        2:26:45          66            88           382           524           6:58         11:12
  865     407     Bev Rehill                   Winnipeg             F5559        2:26:46          21            38           383           524           6:58         11:12
  866     694     Sarah Baxter                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:26:49          67            88           384           524           6:58         11:12
  867     565     Craig White                  WINNIPEG             M4549        2:27:16          62            75           481           576           6:59         11:14
  868     85      Chris Hossack                Winnipeg             M3539        2:27:26          77            84           482           576           7:00         11:15
  869     44      Tiffany Miller               Thunder Bay          F3539        2:27:30          68            88           385           524           7:00         11:15
  870     436     Lyle McKinnon                Winnipeg             M4044        2:27:34          77            87           483           576           7:00         11:16
  871     408     Kirsten Dent                 Winnipeg             F3034        2:27:34          60            76           386           524           7:00         11:16
  872    1110     Mark Thomas                  Winnipeg             M4549        2:27:36          63            75           484           576           7:00         11:16
  873     18      Chris Ollson                 WINNIPEG             M3034        2:27:49          59            74           485           576           7:01         11:17
  874     328     Khosi Mashinini              Winnipeg             F4044        2:27:58          68            82           387           524           7:01         11:18
  875     772     Fabian Van Marion            Winnipeg             M3034        2:28:04          60            74           486           576           7:02         11:18
  876    1081     Lindsey Sturgeon             East St. Paul        F3539        2:28:06          69            88           388           524           7:02         11:18
  877     859     Olive Holm                   winnipeg             F6569        2:28:09          6             9            389           524           7:02         11:18
  878    1000     Lee Ann Benson               Winnipeg             F6064        2:28:10          16            25           390           524           7:02         11:19
  879     458     Stan Kennedy                 winnipeg             M5559        2:28:14          37            49           487           576           7:02         11:19
  880     646     Karen Willey                 Winnipeg                          2:28:16                                     391           524           7:02         11:19
  881     658     Dave White                   Winnipeg             M3034        2:28:20          61            74           488           576           7:02         11:19
  882     86      Danielle Jobb                Winnipeg             F4549        2:28:20          43            60           392           524           7:02         11:19
  883     666     Arthur Erhardt               Winnipeg             M4044        2:28:23          78            87           489           576           7:02         11:19
  884     206     Mary Coleman Pelletier       Ile des Chenes       F4044        2:28:35          69            82           393           524           7:03         11:20
  885     982     Oliver Bueza                 Winnipeg             M2529        2:28:36          52            60           490           576           7:03         11:21
  886     800     Noel Lapuz                   WINNIPEG             M4549        2:28:36          64            75           491           576           7:03         11:21
  887     839     Jessica Kos-Whicher          Winnipeg             F2529        2:28:37          38            51           394           524           7:03         11:21
  888     665     Chris Samels                 Portage la Prairi    M4549        2:28:43          65            75           492           576           7:03         11:21
  889     51      Bill Gibb                    St. Andrews          M5559        2:28:51          38            49           493           576           7:04         11:22
  890     522     Niek Staal                   Winnipeg             M3539        2:28:55          78            84           494           576           7:04         11:22
  891     521     Heather Staal                Winnipeg             F3539        2:28:55          70            88           395           524           7:04         11:22
  892     734     Maria Versace                WINNIPEG             F3539        2:28:56          71            88           396           524           7:04         11:22
  893     221     Jeff O'Leary                 Winnipeg             M6064        2:29:00          28            34           495           576           7:04         11:22
  894     459     Jennifer Hes                 St.Adolphe           F3539        2:29:01          72            88           397           524           7:04         11:22
  895     978     Diana Schreibmaier           St.Andrews           F2024        2:29:02          19            24           398           524           7:04         11:22
  896     345     Rick Donald                  Winnipeg             M6064        2:29:11          29            34           496           576           7:05         11:23
  897     399     Philip Jenkinson             Winnipeg             M3539        2:29:13          79            84           497           576           7:05         11:23
  898     807     Ana Hodych                   WINNIPEG             F4549        2:29:17          44            60           399           524           7:05         11:24
  899     863     Aimee Rice                   Winnipeg             F4549        2:29:17          45            60           400           524           7:05         11:24
  900     806     Geoffrey Bayly               Winnipeg             M4549        2:29:20          66            75           498           576           7:05         11:24
  901     557     Simone Tarrant               Kenora               F5559        2:29:24          22            38           401           524           7:05         11:24
  902    1120     Brenda Frogg                 Winnipeg             F4549        2:29:25          46            60           402           524           7:05         11:24
  903     960     Chris Kjear                  Stony Mountain       M5559        2:29:26          39            49           499           576           7:05         11:24
  904     41      Rachelle Law                 St-Pierre-Jolys      M3539        2:29:38          80            84           500           576           7:06         11:25
  905    1006     Michelle Leach               Winnipeg             F4044        2:29:42          70            82           403           524           7:06         11:26
  906     466     Edwina Shwedyk               Winnipeg             F4549        2:29:46          47            60           404           524           7:06         11:26
  907     833     Michael Balolong             Winnipeg             M4044        2:29:53          79            87           501           576           7:07         11:26
  908    1205     Joanne Cambly                East St. Paul        F4044        2:29:57          71            82           405           524           7:07         11:27
  909     139     Michael O'Brien              West St Paul         M3539        2:29:58          81            84           502           576           7:07         11:27
  910    1199     Jerry Ruckland               Winnipeg             M5559        2:30:03          40            49           503           576           7:07         11:27
  911     48      Valerie Turner               Rivers               F4044        2:30:03          72            82           406           524           7:07         11:27
  912     416     Angela Lebrun                Winnipeg             F4044        2:30:17          73            82           407           524           7:08         11:28
  913    1162     Brent Charles                winnipeg             M4549        2:30:18          67            75           504           576           7:08         11:28
  914    1154     Marlene Wagner               Winnipeg             F5559        2:30:23          23            38           408           524           7:08         11:29
  915    1153     Ralph Wagner                 Winnipeg             M5559        2:30:26          41            49           505           576           7:08         11:29
  916     43      Kassy Bouchard               Winnipeg             F3034        2:30:30          61            76           409           524           7:08         11:29
  917     192     Mike Campbell                Winnipeg             M3034        2:30:40          62            74           506           576           7:09         11:30
  918     172     Angelo Herrera               Winnipeg             M2024        2:30:40          22            24           507           576           7:09         11:30
  919     866     Tim McCarthy                 Winnipeg             M5559        2:30:55          42            49           508           576           7:10         11:31
  920     887     Denis-Michel Thibeault       Winnipeg             M3034        2:31:03          63            74           509           576           7:10         11:32
  921     643     Carena Roller                Winnipeg             F5054        2:31:03          48            59           410           524           7:10         11:32
  922     642     Catherine Carlson            Winnipeg             F5559        2:31:07          24            38           411           524           7:10         11:32
  923    1023     Steven Cong                  Winnipeg             M3034        2:31:08          64            74           510           576           7:10         11:32
  924    1234     Blue Marie Rocero            Winnipeg             F4044        2:31:17          74            82           412           524           7:11         11:33
  925     442     Pamela Fisher                Kenora               F3034        2:31:45          62            76           413           524           7:12         11:35
  926     894     Gael Jacob                   winnipeg             M4549        2:31:55          68            75           511           576           7:12         11:36
  927     531     Christina Murta              winnipeg             F2529        2:32:02          39            51           414           524           7:13         11:36
  928     591     Rachelle Michie              Portage la prairi    F3539        2:32:08          73            88           415           524           7:13         11:37
  929     964     Francine Bonin               Winnipeg             F4549        2:32:29          48            60           416           524           7:14         11:38
  930     116     Sarah Dobson                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:32:30          74            88           417           524           7:14         11:38
  931    1123     Scott Munn                   Winnipeg             M5054        2:32:30          58            60           512           576           7:14         11:38
  932     856     Randal Bodner                Winnipeg             M6064        2:32:44          30            34           513           576           7:15         11:39
  933     997     Richard Pope                 Winnipeg             M4044        2:32:45          80            87           514           576           7:15         11:39
  934     958     Lyndon Jr Daquigan           Winnipeg             M2024        2:32:54          23            24           515           576           7:15         11:40
  935    1090     Krista Clark                 Winnipeg             F4549        2:32:59          49            60           418           524           7:15         11:41
  936     634     Bradley Biggs                Winnipeg             M4044        2:33:50          81            87           516           576           7:18         11:44
  937     479     Brian Walters                Winnipeg             M7074        2:33:54          5             7            517           576           7:18         11:45
  938     663     Ayla Scheurer                Winnipeg             F2529        2:34:00          40            51           419           524           7:18         11:45
  939     802     Caroline Weibe               Winnipeg             F4549        2:34:18          50            60           420           524           7:19         11:47
  940     31      Greg Joss                    Dugald               M5559        2:34:19          43            49           518           576           7:19         11:47
  941    1210     Don Vosters                  Winnipeg             M5559        2:34:47          44            49           519           576           7:21         11:49
  942     554     Caroline Oberheu             Winnipeg             F3539        2:35:02          75            88           421           524           7:21         11:50
  943     313     Andrew Orr                   Winnipeg             M3034        2:35:03          65            74           520           576           7:21         11:50
  944     533     Shoshanna Paul               Saskatoon            F3034        2:35:04          63            76           422           524           7:21         11:50
  945    1112     Lisa Thibeault               Winnipeg             F5054        2:35:09          49            59           423           524           7:22         11:50
  946     274     Sherrie Normand              LaSalle              F4044        2:35:12          75            82           424           524           7:22         11:51
  947     253     Dawn Hanson                  Winnipeg             F7074        2:35:24          1             1            425           524           7:22         11:52
  948     309     Cynthia Uzozie               winnipeg             F2529        2:36:12          41            51           426           524           7:25         11:55
  949     176     Julie Whelen                 Winnipeg             F5054        2:36:45          50            59           427           524           7:26         11:58
  950     478     Samantha Lacoste             Winnipeg             F2529        2:36:50          42            51           428           524           7:26         11:58
  951     596     Tiffany Grant                Winnipeg             F2529        2:37:01          43            51           429           524           7:27         11:59
  952     117     Alida Morrison               West Hawk Lake       F2024        2:37:19          20            24           430           524           7:28         12:00
  953     199     Zoe Harbottle                Winnipeg             F1619        2:37:19          4             5            431           524           7:28         12:00
  954     902     Vanessa Geswein              Winnipeg             F4044        2:37:51          76            82           432           524           7:29         12:03
  955     963     Bridget Robinson             Winnipeg             F5054        2:38:12          51            59           433           524           7:30         12:04
  956     550     Kieran Kennedy               Winnipeg             M1619        2:38:39          4             5            521           576           7:32         12:06
  957     551     Larry Kennedy                WINNIPEG             M4549        2:38:40          69            75           522           576           7:32         12:07
  958     311     Christine Ledoux             Ste. Agathe          F2529        2:38:43          44            51           434           524           7:32         12:07
  959     633     Colin Lougheed               Winnipeg             M4044        2:38:47          82            87           523           576           7:32         12:07
  960      7      Christian Natividad          Winnipeg             M2529        2:39:11          53            60           524           576           7:33         12:09
  961      8      Christopher Conrad           Winnipeg             M2529        2:39:11          54            60           525           576           7:33         12:09
  962     132     Leaslie McPhail              winnipeg             F5054        2:39:12          52            59           435           524           7:33         12:09
  963     95      Jin Sun                      Winnipeg             F5559        2:39:12          25            38           436           524           7:33         12:09
  964      6      Jonathan Trenchard           Winnipeg             M3034        2:39:12          66            74           526           576           7:33         12:09
  965     321     Matthew Monster              Winnipeg             M2024        2:39:12          24            24           527           576           7:33         12:09
  966     500     Tynan Manness                Winnipeg             M1619        2:39:13          5             5            528           576           7:33         12:09
  967      9      Brian Trenchard              Winnipeg             M3034        2:39:15          67            74           529           576           7:33         12:09
  968     322     McDaniel Lopez               Winnipeg             M2529        2:39:27          55            60           530           576           7:34         12:10
  969     815     Jay Tabinga                  Winnipeg             M3539        2:39:37          82            84           531           576           7:34         12:11
  970     813     Cecil De Guzman              Winnipeg             F3034        2:39:38          64            76           437           524           7:34         12:11
  971     275     Kristen Stevens              WINNIPEG             F2529        2:39:47          45            51           438           524           7:35         12:12
  972     397     Stacey Briscoe               Winnipeg             F3034        2:39:48          65            76           439           524           7:35         12:12
  973     674     John Innes                   Winnipeg             M6569        2:39:59          7             11           532           576           7:35         12:13
  974     25      Stacey Moffat                winnipeg             F3539        2:40:03          76            88           440           524           7:36         12:13
  975    1012     Joseph Gopez                 Winnipeg             M3539        2:40:08          83            84           533           576           7:36         12:13
  976    1011     Connie Gopez                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:40:08          77            88           441           524           7:36         12:13
  977     502     Melany Groves                Dryden               F4549        2:40:13          51            60           442           524           7:36         12:14
  978     782     Kim Smith                    Winnipeg             F6064        2:40:58          17            25           443           524           7:38         12:17
  979     959     Shannon Kjear                Stony Mountain       F5054        2:40:58          53            59           444           524           7:38         12:17
  980     947     Mike Zettler                 La Salle             M4549        2:41:13          70            75           534           576           7:39         12:18
  981     475     Chidozie Josiah              Wpg                  M4549        2:41:18          71            75           535           576           7:39         12:19
  982     589     James Janzen                 Winnipeg             M3034        2:41:31          68            74           536           576           7:40         12:20
  983     413     Valerie Romance              Lorette West         F4549        2:41:48          52            60           445           524           7:41         12:21
  984     77      Orvie Dingwall               Winnipeg             F3539        2:41:50          78            88           446           524           7:41         12:21
  985    1054     Greg Young                   Winnipeg             M4549        2:41:51          72            75           537           576           7:41         12:21
  986    1055     Connie Constant              Winnipeg             F4549        2:41:52          53            60           447           524           7:41         12:21
  987     696     Angela Whitney               Winnipeg             F4044        2:42:04          77            82           448           524           7:41         12:22
  988    1219     Karen Martindale             Winnipeg             F4044        2:42:08          78            82           449           524           7:42         12:22
  989     612     Chloe Plamondon              WINNIPEG             F3034        2:42:22          66            76           450           524           7:42         12:24
  990     657     Linda Burnside               Winnipeg             F5559        2:42:29          26            38           451           524           7:43         12:24
  991     719     Meaghan Cabel                Winnipeg             F2529        2:42:38          46            51           452           524           7:43         12:25
  992    1188     Shania Smith                 Oakbank              F2024        2:42:40          21            24           453           524           7:43         12:25
  993    1116     Vicky Gielas                 Winnipeg             F4044        2:42:42          79            82           454           524           7:43         12:25
  994     547     Suzanne Van Cauwenberghe     WINNIPEG             F5054        2:42:43          54            59           455           524           7:43         12:25
  995    1166     Jo-Anne Relf                 Winnipeg             F4549        2:42:43          54            60           456           524           7:43         12:25
  996     103     Sarah Clark                  winnipeg             F2529        2:42:46          47            51           457           524           7:43         12:25
  997    1229     Elizabeth Maendel            Portage la Prairi    F3034        2:42:58          67            76           458           524           7:44         12:26
  998     266     Christy Rogowski             Winnipeg             F3539        2:43:19          79            88           459           524           7:45         12:28
  999     607     Melanie Friesen              Winnipeg             F4044        2:43:29          80            82           460           524           7:45         12:29
 1000     74      Leanne Marette               West Vancouver       F5559        2:43:50          27            38           461           524           7:46         12:30
 1001     359     Thobela Nyobole-Kilbrai      Winnipeg             F5054        2:43:55          55            59           462           524           7:47         12:31
 1002     752     Roshan Piyarathna            Winnipeg             M3034        2:44:19          69            74           538           576           7:48         12:32
 1003    1103     Jean-Paul Cycay              St. Adolphe          M3034        2:44:23          70            74           539           576           7:48         12:33
 1004    1221     Angela Glesby                Winnipeg             F4549        2:44:41          55            60           463           524           7:49         12:34
 1005     652     Chantal Cano                 Winnipeg             F3539        2:45:11          80            88           464           524           7:50         12:36
 1006    1017     Jemma Palson                 Anola                F2529        2:45:29          48            51           465           524           7:51         12:38
 1007     226     Caitlyn McKay                Winnipeg             F2529        2:45:35          49            51           466           524           7:51         12:38
 1008     107     Bill Younger                 Winnipeg             M6569        2:45:46          8             11           540           576           7:52         12:39
 1009     644     Guy Madill                   Winnipeg             M6064        2:46:01          31            34           541           576           7:53         12:40
 1010     341     Bailey Ilagan                Winnipeg             F1619        2:46:08          5             5            467           524           7:53         12:41
 1011     339     Gabby Ilagan                 Winnipeg             M4549        2:46:09          73            75           542           576           7:53         12:41
 1012     811     David Bamburak               Winnipeg             M4044        2:46:48          83            87           543           576           7:55         12:44
 1013     69      Erin Scott                   Winnipeg             F3034        2:46:56          68            76           468           524           7:55         12:44
 1014     338     Phil Anciro                  Winnipeg             M7074        2:46:59          6             7            544           576           7:55         12:45
 1015     998     Amber Buhler                 Lynn Lake            F2024        2:47:22          22            24           469           524           7:56         12:46
 1016    1001     Matthew Buhler               Lynn Lake            M2529        2:47:23          56            60           545           576           7:56         12:46
 1017     713     Warren Banks                 Winnipeg             M4549        2:47:29          74            75           546           576           7:57         12:47
 1018     133     Murray Emond                 Cartier              M5559        2:47:37          45            49           547           576           7:57         12:48
 1019     149     Emily Vea                    Winnipeg             F4549        2:47:38          56            60           470           524           7:57         12:48
 1020     167     Shawna Jones                 Winnipeg             F3034        2:47:39          69            76           471           524           7:57         12:48
 1021     157     Sandra Proulx                Elie                 F3539        2:47:42          81            88           472           524           7:57         12:48
 1022     681     Christine De Lemos           Winnipeg             F2529        2:47:45          50            51           473           524           7:58         12:48
 1023     327     Gwen Smoluk                  Winnipeg             F5559        2:47:47          28            38           474           524           7:58         12:48
 1024     380     June Trout                   SIOUX LOOKOUT        F5054        2:48:30          56            59           475           524           8:00         12:52
 1025     468     Justin St-Hilaire            Winnipeg             M2529        2:48:40          57            60           548           576           8:00         12:52
 1026     449     Verna Livingstone            Winnipeg             F5559        2:49:09          29            38           476           524           8:01         12:55
 1027     169     Jason Einarson               Ste Anne             M4044        2:50:40          84            87           549           576           8:06         13:01
 1028     28      Andrea Babinsky              Winnipeg             F5559        2:51:23          30            38           477           524           8:08         13:05
 1029     702     Marion Hart                  Winnipeg             F6064        2:51:27          18            25           478           524           8:08         13:05
 1030     371     Heidi Toews                  WINNIPEG             F5559        2:51:28          31            38           479           524           8:08         13:05
 1031     487     Jim Anderson                 Winnipeg             M8099        2:52:13          1             2            550           576           8:10         13:09
 1032     23      Margaret Kubas               St Andrews           F5559        2:53:19          32            38           480           524           8:13         13:14
 1033     758     Patrick Lloyd                Winnipeg             M2529        2:53:47          58            60           551           576           8:15         13:16
 1034     893     Jennifer Nguyen              Winnipeg             F3034        2:53:48          70            76           481           524           8:15         13:16
 1035     611     Christina Barber             Winnipeg             F3034        2:54:35          71            76           482           524           8:17         13:19
 1036     92      Elizabeth Kozoriz            Winnipeg             F6064        2:54:44          19            25           483           524           8:17         13:20
 1037     910     Jan Ellein Erni              Winnipeg             F3034        2:55:18          72            76           484           524           8:19         13:23
 1038     911     Jericho De Castro            Winnipeg             M3034        2:55:19          71            74           552           576           8:19         13:23
 1039     333     Clemus Laurila               Winnipeg             F6064        2:55:46          20            25           485           524           8:20         13:25
 1040     539     Emily Weigelt                Winnipeg             F3034        2:57:14          73            76           486           524           8:24         13:32
 1041     70      Martha Paris                 Ear Falls            F3539        2:57:17          82            88           487           524           8:25         13:32
 1042     178     Daina Kelly                  KENORA               F3539        2:57:33          83            88           488           524           8:25         13:33
 1043    1150     Lee Fletcher                 Winnipeg             M6569        2:57:35          9             11           553           576           8:25         13:33
 1044     196     Jim Whitehill                WINNIPEG             M6569        2:57:44          10            11           554           576           8:26         13:34
 1045     334     Denalda Whitehill            Winnipeg             F6064        2:57:45          21            25           489           524           8:26         13:34
 1046     560     Jillian Ramsay               Winnipeg             F3539        2:58:11          84            88           490           524           8:27         13:36
 1047    1072     Fernand Saurette             WINNIPEG             M5559        2:59:01          46            49           555           576           8:30         13:40
 1048     639     Maryam Shitta                Winnipeg             F2024        2:59:06          23            24           491           524           8:30         13:40
 1049     808     Melissa Colbourne            Brandon              F3034        2:59:15          74            76           492           524           8:30         13:41
 1050     143     Puspa Todd                   Winnipeg             F4549        2:59:31          57            60           493           524           8:31         13:42
 1051     374     Paula Kreitz                 WINNIPEG             F4549        2:59:33          58            60           494           524           8:31         13:42
 1052     102     Erazm Kowalski               Winnipeg             M5559        3:00:07          47            49           556           576           8:33         13:45
 1053     324     Les Wiens                    Winnipeg             M6064        3:00:08          32            34           557           576           8:33         13:45
 1054     12      Joe Krupnik                  Oakbank              M5559        3:00:08          48            49           558           576           8:33         13:45
 1055     336     Terry Wiens                  Winnipeg             F6064        3:00:09          22            25           495           524           8:33         13:45
 1056     914     Jayne Reimer                 Winnipeg             F2529        3:00:18          51            51           496           524           8:33         13:46
 1057     146     Glenn Fleetwood              WINNIPEG             M4549        3:00:27          75            75           559           576           8:34         13:46
 1058     467     Kelly Beckman                Stony mountain       M5559        3:00:33          49            49           560           576           8:34         13:47
 1059     941     Tracy Waugh-Smith            Winnipeg             F5559        3:00:56          33            38           497           524           8:35         13:48
 1060    1105     Barry Abbott                 Winnipeg             M8099        3:00:57          2             2            561           576           8:35         13:49
 1061     398     Adam Briscoe                 Winnipeg             M3034        3:01:23          72            74           562           576           8:36         13:51
 1062     414     Agata Ploszanski             Winnipeg             F4549        3:01:32          59            60           498           524           8:37         13:51
 1063     361     Loyd Tourond                 Winnipeg             M4044        3:01:53          85            87           563           576           8:38         13:53
 1064     563     Una Hsieh                    Winnipeg             F3034        3:03:37          75            76           499           524           8:43         14:01
 1065     703     Randi Musgrave               Kenora               F3034        3:03:42          76            76           500           524           8:43         14:01
 1066     83      Paula Hossack                Winnipeg             F3539        3:07:42          85            88           501           524           8:54         14:19
 1067    1108     Curtis Tymko                 Winnipeg             M5054        3:07:48          59            60           564           576           8:55         14:20
 1068     649     Patricia Mondt               Winnipeg             F5559        3:08:25          34            38           502           524           8:56         14:23
 1069     99      Sam Neis                     Winnipeg             M6064        3:09:01          33            34           565           576           8:58         14:25
 1070    1204     Douglas Krahn                winnipeg             M6064        3:09:54          34            34           566           576           9:00         14:30
 1071    1092     Dave Johannson               Winnipeg             M7074        3:10:29          7             7            567           576           9:02         14:32
 1072     111     Faye Jonasson                Sioux Lookout        F6569        3:10:30          7             9            503           524           9:02         14:32
 1073    1167     Steven Hooper                Winnipeg             M3539        3:11:19          84            84           568           576           9:04         14:36
 1074     627     Faith Dietrich               winnipeg                          3:11:42                                     504           524           9:06         14:38
 1075     797     Jennifer Glass               Winnipeg             F5054        3:11:57          57            59           505           524           9:06         14:39
 1076     421     Joan Todd                    Winnipeg             F5054        3:11:58          58            59           506           524           9:06         14:39
 1077    1236     Melissa Peterson             Niverville           F4549        3:13:31          60            60           507           524           9:11         14:46
 1078     631     Judy McKellar                Treherne             F6569        3:14:01          8             9            508           524           9:12         14:48
 1079    1201     Linda Johannson              Winnipeg             F3539        3:15:26          86            88           509           524           9:16         14:55
 1080     19      Linda Hapke-Brown            Winnipeg             F5559        3:15:55          35            38           510           524           9:18         14:57
 1081     714     Anne-Marie Dureault          Fannystelle          F5559        3:17:10          36            38           511           524           9:21         15:03
 1082    1089     Tim Coombs                   Winnipeg             M2529        3:19:56          59            60           569           576           9:29         15:15
 1083    1047     Gloria Manlapaz              Winnipeg             F5054        3:20:15          59            59           512           524           9:30         15:17
 1084     624     Amanda Kakekaspan            Sioux Lookout        F3539        3:20:38          87            88           513           524           9:31         15:19
 1085     182     Rosemary Young               Winnipeg             F6064        3:20:55          23            25           514           524           9:32         15:20
 1086     254     Ryan Umengan                 Winnipeg             M3034        3:22:20          73            74           570           576           9:36         15:26
 1087     738     Louise Tresoor               Kenora               F6064        3:24:03          24            25           515           524           9:41         15:34
 1088     968     Zoe Simkin                   R.R.1 Keewatin       F6569        3:24:09          9             9            516           524           9:41         15:35
 1089    1107     Nancy Constantine            Winnipeg             F6064        3:24:29          25            25           517           524           9:42         15:36
 1090     140     Brandy Elliott               Winnipeg             F4044        3:26:14          81            82           518           524           9:47         15:44
 1091     106     Lorne Sunley                 Winnipeg             M6569        3:26:19          11            11           571           576           9:47         15:45
 1092    1200     Andrea Richardson            Winnipeg             F3539        3:35:57          88            88           519           524          10:15         16:29
 1093     166     Marina Stamatis              Winnipeg             F4044        3:42:20          82            82           520           524          10:33         16:58
 1094     488     Brenda Shyiak                Winnipeg             F5559        3:44:39          37            38           521           524          10:39         17:09
 1095     494     Kathy Maruca                 Winnipeg             F5559        3:44:40          38            38           522           524          10:39         17:09
 1096     332     Helen Peters                 Winnipeg             F7579        3:53:48          1             1            523           524          11:05         17:50
 1097    1174     Guillavme Parrot             Winnipeg             M2529        4:11:25          60            60           572           576          11:55         19:11
 1098    1177     Chris Maclean                Winnipeg             M4044        4:11:25          86            87           573           576          11:55         19:11
 1099    1173     Stephane Roy                 Winnipeg             M4044        4:11:28          87            87           574           576          11:56         19:11
 1100    1182     Brian Hines                  Winnipeg             M3034        4:11:28          74            74           575           576          11:56         19:11
 1101    1172     Michael Tintor               Winnipeg             M5054        4:11:31          60            60           576           576          11:56         19:12
 1102    1181     Jennifer Bryant              Winnipeg             F2024        4:11:33          24            24           524           524          11:56         19:12